Web Application Security Functions



Alpha Anywhere provides the following functions for working with web application security.

A5WS_Add_Group Function

This function cannot be used to add roles to Active Directory. See Active Directory Integration for more information.


Result_Flag as L = a5ws_Add_Group(C group_name [,* Localrequest ])



The name of the new security group to be added.


The Request system variable. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.



.T. = The group was added. .F. = The group was not added. Result_Flag will be .F. if the group name already exists.


Add a group to the list of security groups for the current project.


The A5WS_Add_Group() adds a security group to the web security system with the name supplied in group_name. If the group value was not added or already exists, the Result_Flag will return 'False'. Request is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


The following example attempts to add a group using the group name.

 = .T.


Web applications only.

See Also

a5ws_ChangeLoggedInUserPassword Function


P Result = a5ws_ChangeLoggedInUserPassword(C OriginalPassword ,C NewPassword ,C ConfirmPassword [,* request [,* session ]])



Holds status. Result.errors will return TRUE if any errors are found during processing. result.error_text holds any messages returned


The current password for the current logged in user


New password to enter


Double entry of new password


(optional) The Request system variable. This variable explicitly passes the request object to the function.


(optional) The Session System variable. This variable explicitly passes the session object to the function.


Web Security - Change a logged in user's password. This can only be run from the Application Server


Web Security - Change a logged in user's password. The a5ws_ChangeLoggedInUserPassword() function populates a dot variable with two possible return values. Result.errors will return False if security is not active, a password is not required for the current security configuration, or a password change was successful. All other conditions return Result.errors = true. Messages will almost always be returned in Result.error_text. The following conditions give the message shown

Security is not active. "Security is Not Active"
A password is not required. "Security Does Not Require a Password"
The password change was successful. "Password Changed"
The function was not run from a page or component on the App server. "This option can only be run from the Application Server"
No user is logged in when the function is called. "No User is Logged In"
The security does not allow password change. "Password Change is Not Allowed"
The data did not validate. "Invalid Data Supplied"
The password data is valid, but not accepted by rule. "Password Information Not Accepted"


dim pResult as p
pResult = a5ws_ChangeLoggedInUserPassword(OriginalPassword,NewPassword ,ConfirmPassword ,request, session)


Can only be run from the Application Server

See Also

A5WS_CreateSecurityFiles Function


Result_Flag as L = a5ws_CreateSecurityFiles([C projpath ])



.T. = Indicates that security files were created. .F. = Indicates that security files were not created.




Create Default Web Security Files for Web Project. Used in V8 Web Application Server and later


The A5WS_CreateSecurityFiles() function creates default security files for a web publishing project. A5WS_CreateSecurityFiles() has limited use for an end user, because, if no security files have been created, Alpha Anywhere automatically creates security files as part of the publishing process. If run in Version 8, A5WS_CreateSecurityFiles() will not overwrite any existing security files, just create default files if none exist. If run in Version 7, the function will always overwrite any existing security files and create default files with security turned off.


? A5WS_CreateSecurityFiles(
= .T.


Web publishing applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Delete_Group Function


Result_Flag as L = a5ws_Delete_Group(C group_value [,L confirm_empty [,* Localrequest ]])



.T. = The group was deleted. .F. = The group was not deleted.


A unique value assigned to a security group in the web security system. It can be a group 'guid' or a valid group name.


If True, the group will only be deleted if no users are assigned to the group. The default is .F. and the group will be deleted even if users are assigned to the group.


Optional. The Request system variable. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


Delete a web security group in the current project. Group_value can be a group 'name' or a group 'guid'. Default for 'confirm_empty' is False. If True, the group will only be deleted if no users are assigned to group. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.


The A5WS_Delete_Group() deletes a security group from the web security system as identified by the group value. Group_value can be a group 'guid' or a valid group name. If the group value is not found, the Result_Flag will return 'False'. If confirm_empty is .T. and there are users assigned to the group, the group is not deleted and the Result_Flag will be .F.. Request is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


The following example attempts to delete a valid group using the group name. Confirm_Delete is set to .T. and there are users assigned to the group.

 = .F.


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Delete_User Function


Result_Flag as L = a5ws_Delete_User(C user_value [,* Localrequest ])



.T. = The user was deleted. .F. = The user was not deleted.


A unique user value assigned to a user in the web security system. It can be a user 'guid' or a user 'userid'.


Optional. The Request system variable. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


Delete a web security user in the current project. User_value can be a user 'guid' or a user 'userid'. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.


The A5WS_Delete_User() deletes a user identified by the user value from the web security system. User_value can be a user 'guid' or a user 'userid'. If the user value is not found, the Result_Flag will return 'False'. Request is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


?a5ws_Delete_User("[email protected]")
 = .T.


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_ExportUsers Function


L a5ws_ExportUsers()


Export selected records from the current project web users table to an external table


The A5WS_ExportUsers() function displays a dialog to export selected records from the current project web users table to an external table. It is normally called from an option on the web Users and Groups dialog.




Web publishing applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_Group_Assignments Function


User_List as C = a5ws_Get_Group_Assignments(C group_name [,* Localrequest [,L FlagWeb ]])



CR-LF delimited list of users by userid assigned to a particular group in the current project.


The name of a group in the current project.


Optional. The Request system variable. This variable explicitly passes all request variables to the function.


Optional. Default = .T. when run in the web server. .F. when run in the desktop. .T. = Format suitable for use in a list, checkbox, or radio control on a web page .F. = CR-LF delimited list of userid values only


Return a CR-LF delimited list of users assigned to a particular group in the current project. FlagWeb default value is .F. FlagWeb = .T. will output list in a format used in web components for checkboxes, radio buttons, list boxes and dropdowns. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.


The A5WS_Get_Group_Assignments() function returns a list of members of a named group.


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_Groups Function

Use of this function to retrieve security groups in newer applications is discouraged. Use Context.Security.GetRoles() instead.


Group_List as C = a5ws_Get_Groups([* Localrequest [,L FlagWeb ]])



The Request system variable. This variable explicitly passes all request variables to the function. Required if run from a web page.


Default = .F.. If .T., groups are formatted for use in a list, checkbox, or radio control. If .F., groups returned as a CR-LF delimited list.



A list of security groups in the current web project.


Show a CR-LF list of web groups for the current project. FlagWeb default value is .F. FlagWeb = .T. will output list in a format used in web components for checkboxes, radio buttons, list boxes and dropdowns. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.


The A5WS_Get_Groups() function returns a list of security groups defined for the current web project. It can be used without parameters to return a list of groups defined for the current selected web project.

It can be used on a web page or in a web component event to retrieve a list of user security groups for use in a check box control, a dropdown list, a radio button list, or a listbox control in a legacy dialog component. Typically used in the Server Activate event of a legacy dialog component.

  1. Display the Form > Properties menu page of the legacy Dialog Builder.

  2. Click in the Server Events > Activate property.


? A5WS_Get_Groups()
= Accounting

'on web page or in component event
grouplist = a5ws_get_groups(request,.T.)


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_GUID_From_Group Function


GUID as C = a5ws_Get_GUID_From_Group(C group_name [,* Localrequest ])



The unique ID assigned to the group.


The group_name value of a group in the group table.


Optional. The request variable. Required if run from a web page.


Returns a group GUID from a group name. 'Request' must be provided if run in web page.


The A5WS_Get_GUID_From_Group() returns the unique ID assigned to a security group in the group table.


= "78f972bb35644ffc95fbf894bc524382"


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_GUID_From_Ulink Function


GUID as C = a5ws_Get_GUID_From_Ulink(C ulink [,* request ])



The unique ID assigned to a user in the web security system.


The ulink value of a person in the web security user table.


Optional. The Request system variable. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


Returns a user GUID from a user ulink value if the ulink option is configured and a value is found. 'Request' is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


The A5WS_Get_GUID_From_Ulink() returns a user GUID from a user ulink value if the ulink option is configured and a value is found. If the Ulink option is not configured, a blank value is returned.


= "432f3df278a24df0a39219be1f356019"


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_GUID_From_User Function


GUID as C = a5ws_Get_GUID_From_User(C userid [,* Localrequest ])



The unique ID assigned to a user in the web security system


The userid value of a person in the user table in the web security system.


Optional. The Request system variable. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


Returns a user GUID from a userid.


The A5WS_Get_GUID_From_User() returns the unique ID assigned to a user ID in the user table. Returns the unique ID assigned to a user ID.


= "9036155807a2443782ba61ed2a974471"


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_LockedOutUsers Function


LockedOut_User_List as C = a5ws_Get_LockedOutUsers([C Format [,* NotUsed ]])



A CR-LF delimited list of userid values currently defined as locked out in web security.


Optional. A display format information to use to output field information. Options are:"U" = Userid "T" = Logged out 'until time' as character Default is Userid only.


Optional. The Request system variable. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


Returns a crlf() delimited list of userid's currently locked out by the web security. Returns blank if no one is locked out. If a format is specified, returns output in that format (U=userid,T=untiltime as character).


The A5WS_Get_LockedOutUsers() returns a CR-LF delimited list of user IDs currently locked out by the web security. Returns blank if no one is locked out. If a format is specified, returns output in that format. Request is added automatically by the server when run from a web page. An 'until time' of '01/01/9999 12:00:00 00 pm' will be returned if the security settings are set tol lock out a user until reset by an administrator.


= john at email.com-01/01/9999 12:00:00 00 pm
sam at email.com-03/04/2011 08:37:58 73 pm


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_Page_List Function


Page_List as C = a5ws_Get_Page_List([* Request ])



A CR-LF delimited list of pages defined as allowed or login required in published project


The Request variable. This system variable explicitly passes all request variables to the function.


Get a List of Pages Currently allowed by the Web Security settings. Use in Web Dialog component


The A5WS_Get_Page_list() function retrieves a list of pages for use in a drop down list control in a dialog component. The pages are those allowed or defined as needing login for the current project security. Typically used in the Server Activate event of a dialog component.

1. Display the Form > Properties menu page of the Dialog Builder.
2. Click in the Server Events > Activate property.


Note that Request is the name of a variable created by the Application Server.

Pagelist = A5WS_Get_Page_List(request)


May only be used in a web component.

See Also

A5WS_Get_Security_Ques Function


Question_List as C = a5ws_Get_Security_Ques([* LocalRequest ])



A CR-LF delimited list of security questions defined for the published project.


The Request variable. This system variable explicitly passes all request variables to the function.


Get Web Security Questions in CR-LF list. Use in Web Dialog component.


The A5WS_Get_Security_Ques() function retrieves a list of security questions for use in a drop down list control in a dialog component. Typically used in the Server Activate event of a dialog component.

Display the Form > Properties menu page of the Dialog Builder.
Click in the Server Events > Activate property.


Note that Request is the name of a variable created by the Application Server.

queslist = a5ws_get_security_ques(request)


May only be used in a web component.

See Also

A5WS_Get_Ulink_From_GUID Function


Ulink as C = a5ws_Get_Ulink_From_GUID(C user_guid [,* request ])



The ulink value of a person in the web security user table.


The unique ID assigned to a user in the web security system.


Optional. The Request system variable. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


Returns a users 'ulink' value from a user_guid in the current project. If the user link field is not activated, an empty value is returned. 'Request' is added automatically by the server when run from a web page


The A5WS_Get_Ulink_From_GUID() returns a user's 'ulink' value from the unique identifier assigned to them in web security. If the user link field is not activated, an empty value is returned. 'Request' is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


= "00000029"


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_User_Assignments Function


Group_List as C = a5ws_Get_User_Assignments(C uservalue [,* Localrequest ])



A list of groups to which the specified user belongs.


The userid of a person in the user table.


Optional. The Request system variable. This variable explicitly passes all request variables to the function. Required if run from a web page.


Return a CR-LF delimited list of groups assigned to a particular web security user in the current project. Accepts uservalue as 'ulink' or 'userid'


The A5WS_Get_User_Assignments() function returns a list of the groups to which a person belongs. Returns a list of groups to which a user belongs


? A5WS_Get_User_Assignments("doris")
= "Marketing"


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_User_From_GUID Function


User as C = a5ws_Get_User_From_GUID(C user_guid [,* Localrequest ])



The userid of a person in the user table.


The guid of a person in the user table.


Optional. The request variable. Required if run from a web page.


Returns a userid from a user_guid in the current project. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.


The A5WS_Get_User_From_GUID() function returns the guid for a userid value in the user table. Returns the guid for a userid value in the user table.


dim guid as C
guid = A5WS_Get_GUID_From_User("doris")

? guid
= "9036155807a2443782ba61ed2a974471"

? A5WS_Get_User_From_GUID(guid)
= doris


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_User_Values Function

This function is deprecated and this page will be removed in the near future. Use A5WS_Get_WebUser_Values().


Result as P = a5ws_Get_User_Values(P CurrentForm [,* request ])



The result value is not meaningful if the function is being used in a web component.

result.errors = Will return TRUE if any errors are found during processing.
result.error_text = Error messages returned.

The CurrentForm variable.


The Request system variable. This variable explicitly passes all request variables to the function. Users are found by three possible values passed in the request.variables property of the request variable. There are checked in sequence until a match is found.

request.variables.guid = The user GUID value for the desired user record
request.variables.userid = The 'userid' value for the desired user record
request.variables.ulink = The 'ulink' value saved in the desired user record
A5WS_Get_WebUser_Values() should be used instead."/>


This function is deprecated and this page will be removed in the near future. The function A5WS_Get_WebUser_Values() should be used instead.


This function is deprecated and this page will be removed in the near future. The function A5WS_Get_WebUser_Values() should be used instead.

The A5WS_Get_User_Values() function populates control values in a dialog component from fields in the User table. The function returns values from web user table as CurrentForm.Controls..value for each field in table. Accepts user identification as request.variables.guid, request.variables.userid or request.variables.ulink.

The name of each control in the dialog must exactly match the name of the field in the user table. A list of valid field names can be found by using the A5WS_User_File_Field_List() function. Typically used in the Server Initialize event of a dialog component. You can also use this function in the Server After Validate event to repopulate values after a save. Adding Users with a Web Component shows how the function is used in dialog component events.

  1. Display the Form > Properties menu page of the Dialog Builder.

  2. Click in the Server Events > Initialize property.



Using the Function Outside of a Dialog Component

The function is designed to be used within Server Events of a dialog component. However, it can be used on any Xbasic code section on a web page or component to return various values for a specific user. It is helpful to get a list of valid field names currently being used in the user security table by using the A5WS_User_File_Field_List() function. One additional field named groups can be returned. It will contain a comma delimited list of the security groups assigned to the user. The group values returned will be the group_guid value for each group, not the group names. A list of group names assigned to the user can be found using the function A5WS_Get_User_Assignments.

? a5ws_User_File_Field_List()
= Email

The fields to be output from the function must be defined. The function will only return values for field names passed to the function as .Controls..value and will only return values for fields currently being used by the security system.

dim output as p
dim output.controls as p
dim output.controls.email.value as c
dim output.controls.userid.value as c
dim output.controls.groups.value as c
dim output.controls.guid.value as c

A value must be passed to the function in the Request system variable to find the current user. This can be in the form request.variables.guid, request.variables.userid or request.variables.ulink.

dim request.variables.ulink as c
request.variables.ulink = "00000008"

The function will return the values found in the output.controls..value. The result.errors value can be tested to determine if any errors occurred during processing. Any error messages will be should in the result.error_text value. The userid value can be used to get a list of group names for the user using the function A5WS_Get_User_Assignments.

dim result as p
dim error_message as c
dim group_list as c
result = a5ws_Get_User_Values(output,request)
if result.errors = .T. then
    error_message = result.error_text
end if 
group_list = a5ws_get_user_assignments(output.controls.userid.value,request)
group_list = crlf_to_comma(group_list)



See Also

A5WS_Get_Users Function


User_List as C = a5ws_Get_Users([* Nullrequest [,L FlagWeb ]])



A list of the userid values in the user table.


The Request system variable. This variable explicitly passes all request variables to the function.


Optional. Default = .F. . .T. = Format suitable for use in a list control on a web page .F. = CR-LF delimited list


Show a CR-LF list of users for the current project. FlagWeb default value is .F. FlagWeb = .T. will output list in a format used in web components for checkboxes, radio buttons, list boxes and dropdowns. 'Request' pointer must be provided if run in web page.


The A5WS_Get_Users() function returns a list of the userid values in the user table.


? A5WS_Get_Users()
= alfred


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Get_WebUser_Values Function


Result as P = a5ws_Get_WebUser_Values(P CurrentForm [,* UserValue [,* LocalRequest ]])



The result value is not meaningful if the function is being used in a web component.

result.errors = Will return TRUE if any errors are found during processing.
result.error_text = Error messages returned.

The CurrentForm variable.


Optional. A pointer variable used to pass user defined values to the function. These will override the same values passed by the Request system variable. Users can be found by three possible values passed in the variable. They are checked in sequence until a match is found. If no UserValue variables are specified, the function will use the values passed by the Request system variable.

UserValue.guid = The user GUID value for the desired user record
UserValue.userid = The 'userid' value for the desired user record
userValue.ulink = The 'ulink' value saved in the desired user record

Optional. The Request system variable. The request variable should be considered READ ONLY. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page. Users may be found by

request.variables.guid = The user GUID value for the desired user record
request.variables.userid = The 'userid' value for the desired user record
request.variables.ulink = The 'ulink' value saved in the desired user record


Return values from web user table as 'CurrentForm.Controls.<fieldname>.value' for each field in table. 'UserValue' overrides values passed by the request system variable. Accepts user identification as 'UserValue.guid','UserValue.userid' or 'UserValue.ulink'.


The A5WS_Get_WebUser_Values() function populates control values in a dialog component from fields in the User table. The function returns values from web user table as CurrentForm.Controls..value for each field in table. Accepts user identification as UserValue.guid, UserValue.userid or UserValue.ulink. If the UserValue variable is empty or not supplied, the function will use the same values passed by the system request variable. The name of each control in the dialog must exactly match the name of the field in the user table. A list of valid field names can be found by using the A5WS_User_File_Field_List() function. Typically used in the Server Initialize event of a dialog component. You can also use this function in the Server After Validate event to repopulate values after a save. Adding Users with a Web Component shows how the function is used in dialog component events.

1. Display the Form > Properties menu page of the Dialog Builder.
2. Click in the Server Events > Initialize property.



Using the Function Outside of a Dialog Component

put description here

The function is designed to be used within Server Events of a dialog component. However, it can be used on any Xbasic code section on a web page or component to return various values for a specific user. It is helpful to get a list of valid field names currently being used in the user security table by using the A5WS_User_File_Field_List() function. One additional field named groups can be returned. It will contain a comma delimited list of the security groups assigned to the user. The group values returned will be the group_guid value for each group, not the group names. A list of group names assigned to the user can be found using the function A5WS_Get_User_Assignments.

= Email

The fields to be output from the function must be defined. The function will only return values for field names passed to the function as .Controls..value and will only return values for fields currently being used by the security system.

dim output as p
dim output.controls as p
dim output.controls.email.value as c
dim output.controls.userid.value as c
dim output.controls.groups.value as c
dim output.controls.guid.value as c

A value must be passed to the function in the Request system variable to find the current user. This can be in the form request.variables.guid, request.variables.userid or request.variables.ulink.

dim UserValue as p
dim UserValue.ulink as c
UserValue.ulink = "00000008"

The function will return the values found in the output.controls..value. The result.errors value can be tested to determine if any errors occured during processing. Any error messages will be should in the result.error_text value. The userid value can be used to get a list of group names for the user using the function A5WS_Get_User_Assignments.

dim result as p
dim error_message as c
dim group_list as c
result = a5ws_Get_WebUser_Values(output,UserValue)
if result.errors = .T. then
    error_message = result.error_text
end if 
group_list = a5ws_get_user_assignments(output.controls.userid.value,request)
group_list = crlf_to_comma(group_list)


May only be used in a web component or web page.

See Also

A5ws_GetCurrentUser Function


C Result = A5ws_GetCurrentUser()


Get the 'UserName (UserId) of the current logged in user.


Get the UserName (UserId) of the current logged in user


Can only be used on a web page or component.

See Also

a5ws_GetGroupsDialog Function


C Result = a5ws_GetGroupsDialog()



List of security groups


Returns a list of security groups defined for the current web project. Used in UX server-side events


The a5ws_GetGroupsDialog() gets a list of security groups defined for the current web project. It has no input parameters and should be used in place of the a5ws_Get_Groups() function used in old versions of Alpha Anywhere.

See also the Context.Security.GetRoles() function.


? a5ws_GetGroupsDialog()
= Accounting|80aa8d06b36249c3bb46a4df87088524

See Also


a5ws_getUserValuesActiveDirectory Function


dim userValues as P = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory([C UserName [,C AdditionalAttributes ]])



The user to lookup.

The UserName is required if a5ws_getUserValuesActiveDirectory() is used in Alpha Anywhere 4.4.4 or prior. Starting with Alpha Anywhere build 4449, the user name is optional. If no user name is specified, values for the currently logged in user will be fetched.

A comma or CR-LF delimited list of additional properties to retrieve that are available in Active Directory but are not listed by default. See http://www.kouti.com/tables/userattributes.htm for a list of possible properties that may be available.



Returns a dot variable with the properties listed below plus any additional properties requested using the AdditionalAttributes parameter. If the Alpha Anywhere Application Server is not configured to use Active Directory, the Active Directory server cannot be reached, or the user does not exist, no properties will be returned.

If a property has no value, it will have a type of Z.


The account's expiration date.


Indicates whether or not the account is locked.


LDAP lockout time


The number of failed login attempts.


Typically a job description or some other user defined information.


The account display name.


The LDAP address for the user (see https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc977992.aspx for more information.)


The user's email address.


The employee ID.


Indicates whether or not the user is active in Active Directory.


The user's first name.


LDAP object GUID - A modified unique identifier with hyphens removed, similar to the userGuid in Alpha Anywhere security. Unique for each user and doesn't change.


The path to the user's home directory. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms676190(v=vs.85).aspx for more information.


The home drive.


The time for the last time the login failed due to incorrect password.


The time the user last logged on.


The last password set for the user's account.


The user's middle name.


The user's full name - first and last name.


Indicates whether or not the password expires.


Indicates whether or not a password is required.


A CR-LF delimited list of the user's roles.


The user logon name.


The path to the login script.


LDAP ObjectSid - A system identifier and can change for a user. See https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc961625.aspx for more details.


If .t., two-factor authentication is required to logon. See https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/poshchap/2015/05/08/security-focus-resetting-smart-card-is-required-for-interactive-logon/ for more information.


The user's last name.


Indicate whether or not the user can change their password.


The user's name in Active Directory. This is the login name + domain. For example [email protected].


The user's telephone number.


Get the Active Directory properties for a user. Alpha Anywhere must be configured to use active directory.


The a5ws_getUserValuesActiveDirectory function returns a list of properties for the specified user. A default set of properties is always returned. Proeprties that are available in Active Directory but are not included by default can also be retrieved by passing the list of additional attributes into the AdditionalAttributes parameter.


This example demonstrates how to get the phone number for the currently logged in user. The property is a default property, VoiceTelephoneNumber:

dim user as p
dim phone as c
user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory("")
'--- optional method to pass in current user
'user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory(Context.Security.CurrentUser)
if variable_exists("user.SamAccountName") ' User data was found
    phone = user.VoiceTelephoneNumber
    'error - no user data found
end if

This next example demonstrates how to get the phone number for a specific user:

dim user as p
dim phone as c
user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory("UserLoginName")
if variable_exists("user.SamAccountName") ' User data was found
    phone = user.VoiceTelephoneNumber
end if

This example demonstrates getting an optional parameter (physicalDeliveryOfficeName):

dim user as p
dim office as c
user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory("","physicalDeliveryOfficeName")
if variable_exists("user.SamAccountName") ' User data was found
    office= user.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
end if

In this example, two optional parameters are fetched (physicalDeliveryOfficeName and homePhone):

dim user as p
dim office as c
dim home_phone as c
user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory("","physicalDeliveryOfficeName,homePhone")
if variable_exists("user.SamAccountName") ' User data was found
    office= user.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
    home_phone = user.homePhone
end if

If the additional properties is too long, the values can be passed in as a list:

dim addProps as c
addProps = <<%txt%

dim user as p
dim UserLoginName as c = "jsmith"
dim office as c
dim home_phone as c
user = a5ws_GetUserValuesActiveDirectory(UserLoginName ,addProps)
if variable_exists("user.SamAccountName") ' User data was found
    office= user.physicalDeliveryOfficeName
    home_phone = user.homePhone
end if

A5WS_Login_User Function


Result as P = a5ws_Login_User(C userid ,C password [,C targetpage [,* Localrequest [,* Localsession [,* Localresponse ]]]])



result.error = Will return FALSE if the login is successful. result.RedirectURL Successful Login - Will contain the name of the page set as the redirect page after login from the web security configuration. If TargetPage has a value, result.RedirectURL will have the value from TargetPage. Failed Login - Will contain the name of the page set as the "Redirect page - login" from the web security settings.


A valid Userid for a user in the security system


A valid password for a user in clear text (not encrypted) .


Optional. The name of a page to navigate to after a successful login. This overrides any page defined in the security settings.








Log in user on a web page using supplied values. Returns <pointer>.error, <pointer>.RedirectURL. If error = .F. , RedirectURL will contain the target page. If error = .T., it will return the login redirect page.


The A5WS_Login_User() will login a user using the web security system. the UserID and Password must match the values saved in the security system for a valid user. If the login suceeds, Result.Error will return 'FALSE' and Result.RedirectURL will contain name of the page set as the "Redirect page after login" from the web the security settings . If TargetPage has a value, result.RedirectURL will have the value from TargetPage. If the login fails, Result.Error will return 'TRUE' and Result.RedirectURL will contain the page designated in the security settings as the "Redirect page - Login".


The following example attempts to login a user with a UserID = "[email protected]" and a password = "Password". This user does NOT exist in the system. The page designated as the login page in the security configuration is "login.a5w"

dim pResult as p
pResult = a5ws_Login_User("[email protected]","Password")
= error = .T.
RedirectURL = "login.a5w"

The following example attempts to login a user with a UserID = "[email protected]" and a password = "Password". This user DOES exist in the system. A TargetPage is supplied.

dim pResult as p
pResult = a5ws_Login_User("[email protected]","Password","administration.a5w")
= error = .F.
RedirectURL = "administration.a5w"

Note - once you have a value for RedirectURL, you need to redirect the user, for example:

if return.error = .f.
   response.redirect("index.a5w") ' login success page
   response.redirect("message.a5w") ' login failed message page
end if


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_LogoutUser Function


Result_Flag as L = a5ws_LogoutUser([* Localsession [,* Localrequest [,* Localresponse ]]])



.T. = The user was logged out. .F. = The user was not logged out.








Log out the current user and remove the remember me cookie. This can only be used on a web page.


Removes all login information for the current user from the session. The A5WS_LogoutUser() function removes all login information for the current logged in user




May be used on A5W pages in web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_OpenWebSecurity Function


C a5ws_OpenWebSecurity([C project ])



Optional. The name of a project.


Display the Web Security options available for this project


Displays the Web Security dialog. The A5WS_OpenWebSecurity() function displays the Web Security dialog.


Web applications only

See Also

A5WS_PageSecurity Function


V a5ws_Pagesecurity([C pagename ])



The name of a page.


Assign security permissions for web pages


Displays the Page Security Assignment dialog. The A5WS_PageSecurity() function displays the Page Security Assignment dialog.


Web applications only.

See Also

a5ws_RevalidatePassword Function


L a5ws_RevalidatePassword(C Password [,* Localrequest ])



Password to validate for the current user


(optional) Request object


Web Security - Verify the currently logged in user's password ONLY. This can only be run from the Application Server


Web Security - Verify the currently logged in user's password ONLY. The function tests if the supplied password matches the password for the currently logged in user only. It returns only true or false, request is required, and it only runs in a published application. If no one is logged in, or it is run from the local project, it returns false.


This can only be run from the Application Server

See Also

A5WS_Save_User_Values Function

This function is deprecated and this page will be removed in the near future. Use A5WS_Save_WebUser_Values().


Result as P = a5ws_Save_User_Values(P CurrentForm [,* request ])



The result value is not meaningful if the function is being used in a web component. result.errors = Will return TRUE if any errors are found during processing. result.error_text = Error messages returned.


The CurrentForm variable, a system variable that refers to the contents of the dialog component.


The Request system variable. This variable explicitly passes all request variables to the function. Users are identified by a value in the request.variables property of the request variable. request.variables.guid = The user GUID value for the desired user record


This function is deprecated after Alpha Five Version 9. The function A5WS_Save_WebUser_Values() should be used instead.


This function is deprecated after Alpha Five Version 9. The function A5WS_Save_WebUser_Values() should be used instead.

The A5WS_Save_User_Values() function validates values from controls in a dialog component and then saves the values to fields in the Web Security User table. Only values passed in the request.variables property of the request variable are saved.

The name of each control in the dialog must exactly match the name of the field in the user table. A list of valid field names can be found by using the A5WS_User_File_Field_List() function. It is used in the Server Validate event of a dialog component. Adding Users with a Web Component shows how the function is used in dialog component event.

If validation errors are detected, the form will be redisplayed with the error message shown at the top of the form and the variable CurrentForm.Has_Error will be TRUE. The user can then make corrections and resubmit the form. If the variable CurrentForm.Has_Error = .T. prior to calling the function, the function will test the security control values for validation and return any errors, but will not save the values. The security values will only be saved if CurrentForm.Has_Error =.F.

1. Display the Form > Properties menu page of the Dialog Builder.
2. Click in the Server Events > Validate property.

Note that CurrentForm and Request are the names of variables created by the Application Server.

A5WS_Save_User_Values(CurrentForm, Request)

Using the Function Outside of a Dialog Component

The function is designed to be used within Server Events of a dialog component. However, it can be used on any Xbasic code section on a web page or component to save various values for a specific user. It is helpful to get a list of valid field names currently being used in the user security table by using the A5WS_User_File_Field_List() function. One additional field named groups can be saved. Groups should contain a comma delimited or CR-LF delimited list of the security groups assigned to the user. The group values can be the group_guid value for each group or the group_name of each group.

? a5ws_User_File_Field_List()
= Email

The function will only save values for fields passed to the function in the Request system variable as request.variables. and will only save values for fields currently being used by the security system.

Security Settings may be defined to require values in certain User Verification Fields during data entry on the web. If these fields are included in the Request variables, they can not be blank, or the record will not be saved and an error message will be returned.

A value MUST be passed to the function to find the current user. This MUST be request.variables.guid. No other input value can be used to find an existing record.

If the guid value is not passed to the function, the guid value is blank, or the guid value doesn't match an existing record, a new record will be created. A userid value must be an input value for a new record, or the save is cancelled and returns an error message. Userid does not have to be entered for an existing record unless the value for userid is being changed.

This code will find the user with a guid="20860aa66cfa4feb83ba25887d303f59" and change the email address to "[email protected]". If no user is found with that guid, nothing is saved and an error message is returned.

dim request.variables.guid as c
dim request.variables.email as c
request.variables.guid = "20860aa66cfa4feb83ba25887d303f59"
request.variables.email = "[email protected]"

This code will enter a new user record with a userid = "[email protected]" and an email address with the same value. The new user record will have a password added with the value of "password". Since no guid is input, a new record is created. The function will automatically create a new guid value for the record when the record is saved.

dim request.variables.userid as c
dim request.variables.email as c
dim request.variables.password as c
request.variables.userid = "[email protected]"
request.variables.email = "[email protected]"
request.variables.password = "password"

This code will set the user's group assignments to "Administrators" and "Marketing". The function will only save groups that are valid values in security groups definitions.

dim request.variables.groups as c
request.variables.groups = "Administrators,Marketing"

An output pointer must be defined. The function will always return the guid value for a saved record as .Controls.guid.value. The function will also return values for any fields passed to the function in the Request system variable.

dim output as p
dim output.controls as p
dim output.controls.guid.value as c

The function will return the values saved as .controls..value. The result.errors value can be tested to determine if any errors occurred during processing. Any error messages will be should in the result.error_text value.

dim result as p
dim error_message as c
dim group_list as c
result = a5ws_Save_User_Values(output,request)
if result.errors = .T. then
    error_message = result.error_text
end if 
user_guid = output.controls.guid.value



See Also

A5WS_Save_WebUser_Values Function


Result as P = a5ws_Save_WebUser_Values(P CurrentForm [,* UserValue [,* request ]])



The result value is not meaningful if the function is being used in a web component.

result.errors = Will return TRUE if any errors are found during processing.
result.error_text = Error messages returned.

Optional. A pointer variable used to pass user defined value to the function. These will override the same values passed by the Request system variable. Users are identified by a value in the guid property of UserValue. If UserValue.guid is not specified, the function will use the value passed by the Request system variable.

UserValue.guid = The user GUID value for the desired user record

Optional. The Request system variable. The request variable should be considered READ ONLY. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page. Users may be found by

request.variable.guid = The user GUID value for the desired user record


The CurrentForm variable, a system variable that refers to the contents of the dialog component.

Validate & Save values in the 'CurrentForm' controls that match fields in the user table for the current project. 'UserValue' overrides values passed by the request system variable. Accepts values as 'UserValue.Email', 'UserValue.Ulink', etc


The A5WS_Save_WebUser_Values() function validates values from controls in a dialog component and then saves the values to fields in the Web Security User table. If you only want to validate the values without saving, use the function A5WS_Validate_WebUser_Values. Only values passed in the request.variable property of the request variable, or values passed by the pointer UserValue, are saved. The value in request.variable.guid will be used to find an existing record. An optional value can be supplied in UserValue.guid to override the value in request.variable.guid. If both values are blank, the record will be considered a new record. The name of each control in the dialog must exactly match the name of the field in the user table. A list of valid field names can be found by using the A5WS_User_File_Field_List() function. It is used in the Server Validate event of a dialog component. Adding Users with a Web Component shows how the function is used in dialog component event. If validation errors are detected, the form will be redisplayed with the error message shown at the top of the form and the variable CurrentForm.Has_Error will be TRUE. The user can then make corrections and resubmit the form. If the variable CurrentForm.Has_Error = .T. prior to calling the function, the function will test the security control values for validation and return any errors, but will not save the values. The security values will only be saved if CurrentForm.Has_Error =.F.

1. Display the Form > Properties menu page of the Dialog Builder.
2. Click in the Server Events > Validate property.


Note that CurrentForm and Request are the names of variables created by the Application Server.


Using the Function Outside of a Dialog Component

The function is designed to be used within Server Events of a dialog component. However, it can be used on any Xbasic code section on a web page or component to save various values for a specific user. It is helpful to get a list of valid field names currently being used in the user security table by using the A5WS_User_File_Field_List() function. One additional field named groups can be saved. Groups should contain a comma delimited or CR-LF delimited list of the security groups assigned to the user. The group values can be the group_guid value for each group or the group_name of each group.

= Email

The function will only save values for fields passed to the function in the Request system variable as request.variable. and will only save values for fields currently being used by the security system. NOTE: Security Settings may be defined to require values in certain User Verification Fields during data entry on the web. If these fields are included in the Request or UserValue variables, they can not be blank, or the record will not be saved and an error message will be returned. A value MUST be passed to the function to find the current user. This MUST be provided by either the system supplied request.variable.guid or a user supplied value in UserValue.guid. No other input value can be used to find an existing record. WARNING: If the guid value is not passed to the function, the guid value is blank, or the guid value doesn't match an existing record, a new record will be created. A userid value must be an input value for a new record, or the save is cancelled and returns an error message. Userid does not have to be entered for an existing record unless the value for userid is being changed. Only values sent to the function will be saved. If the record already exists, any values not sent to the function are unchanged. If the record is a new record, the security settings may have defined required fields. If required fields as not supplied for a new record, validation may fail, and nothing wil be saved. This code below will set the parameters to send to the function to find the user with a guid="20860aa66cfa4feb83ba25887d303f59" and change the email address to "[email protected]".

dim uservalue as p
dim uservalue.guid as c
dim uservalue.email as c
uservalue.guid = "20860aa66cfa4feb83ba25887d303f59"
uservalue.email = "[email protected]"

This code could be used in place of the code above to set the parameters to send to the function to enter a new user record with a userid = "[email protected]" and an email address with the same value. The new user record will have a password added with the value of "password". Since no guid is input, a new record is created. The function will automatically create a new guid value for the record when the record is saved.

dim uservalue.userid as c
dim uservalue.email as c
dim uservalue.password as c
uservalue.userid = "[email protected]"
uservalue.email = "[email protected]"
uservalue.password = "password"

This code will set the parameters to set the user's group assignments to "Administrators" and "Marketing" if the user groups are being added or edited. The function will only save groups that are valid values in security groups definitions.

dim uservalue.groups as c
uservalue.groups = "Administrators,Marketing"

An output pointer must be defined before the function is run. The function will always return the guid value for a saved record as .Controls.guid.value. If a new record was created, the function will NOT update the value in request.variable.guid if request variables were passed to the function. Request.variable.guid may be blank for a new record. The function will also return values for any fields passed to the function in the Request system variable.

dim output as p
dim output.controls as p
dim output.controls.guid.value as c

The parameters to send to the function, and the output pointers must be set before the function is run. When the function is run, it will return the values saved as .controls..value. The result.errors value can be tested to determine if any errors occured during processing. Any error messages will be should be returned in the result.error_text value.

dim result as p
dim error_message as c
result = a5ws_Save_WebUser_Values(output,uservalue)
if result.errors = .T. then
    error_message = result.error_text
end if 
user_guid = output.controls.guid.value

You can reload the values saved by the function back into the pointer variable output with the function A5WS_Get_WebUser_Values after the save function was run.

dim uservalue as p
dim uservalue.guid as c
uservalue.guid = output.controls.guid.value ' this was populated when the record was saved above. 
dim result as p
dim error_message as c
result = a5ws_Get_WebUser_Values(output,uservalue)
if result.errors = .T. then
    error_message = result.error_text
end if 
user_id = output.controls.user.value


May only be used in a web component or web page.

See Also

A5WS_SecurityActive Function


Result_Flag as L = a5ws_SecurityActive([* localrequest [,* r ]])



.T. = Web security is active in the current web security settings. .F. = Web security is not active in the current web security settings.


The Request system variable. This variable explicitly passes all request variables to the function.




Determine if web security is active. Used only in web pages and components


Determine if web security is active. May be used on A5W pages and web components.

This code can be added to a web page to show a message about the security status.

if A5WS_SecurityActive(request) then 
?"Security is Active" 
?"Security is Not Active" 
end if 


Web applications only

See Also

A5WS_SecurityQues Function


C a5ws_SecurityQues()


Deprecated - use a5ws_SecurityQuestions()


Deprecated. Use A5WS_SecurityQuestions Function instead. The A5WS_SecurityQues() function displays the Login Recovery Security Questions dialog, which allows you to edit the list of security questions for project.


Web publishing applications only.

See Also

A5WS_SecurityQuestions Function


C a5ws_SecurityQuestions()


Web Security - Enter / Edit the list of security questions used for user validation


The A5WS_SecurityQuestions() function displays the Login Recovery Security Questions dialog, which allows you to edit the list of security questions for project.


Web publishing applications only.

See Also

A5WS_SecuritySettings Function


C a5ws_SecuritySettings([C project ])



Optional. The name of the project that will use these security settings. If not specified, Alpha Anywhere will use the current project.


Enter / Edit web security properties for current project


The A5WS_SecuritySettings() function displays the Security Settings dialog box.


Web publishing applications only.

See Also

A5WS_User_File_Field_List Function


Field_List as C = a5ws_User_File_Field_List([C format [,* request ]])



A CR-LF list of user table fields used in the current web project.


Optional. A display format information to use to output field information. Options are:

"n" = fieldname
"t" = simple field type
"w" = field width
Default is fieldname only. If format is specified, the output will use the "|" delimiter between values.

Optional. The Request system variable. This variable explicitly passes all request variables to the function. Required if run from a web page.


Retrieve a list of active fields in CR-LF list for web user table in the current project. Format - n - fieldnames, t - simple field type, w - field width.


Retrieve a list of active fields in CR-LF list for web user table in the current project. The field list will be determined by the current security settings and will show only fields currently used. The Request system variable is only needed if the function is used on a web page or in a web component.

The following code run in the interactive window will return a list of user table fields for the current selected web project profile.

= Email

The following code run in the interactive window will return a list of user table fields and information about the fields. The width information is helpful when building a web component.

= Email|C|40


Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_User_Groups_Dialog Function


C a5ws_User_Groups_Dialog([C project ])



The name of a web project. A blank entry uses the currently selected project.


Displays the add user and groups dialog for the current Web project


The A5WS_User_Groups_Dialog() function displays the web Users and Groups dialog.




Web applications only.

See Also

A5WS_Validate_WebUser_Values Function


Result as P = a5ws_Validate_WebUser_Values(P CurrentForm [,P UserValue ,P request ])



The result value is not meaningful if the function is being used in a web component.

result.errors = Will return TRUE if any errors are found during processing.
result.error_text = Error messages returned.

The CurrentForm variable, a system variable that refers to the contents of the dialog component.


Optional. A pointer variable used to pass user defined value to the function. These will override the same values passed by the Request system variable. Users are identified by a value in the guid property of UserValue. If UserValue.guid is not specified, the function will use the value passed by the Request system variable. UserValue.guid = The user GUID value for the desired user record


Optional. The Request system variable. The request variable should be considered READ ONLY. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page. Users may be found by request.variable.guid = The user GUID value for the desired user record


Validate values only in the 'CurrentForm' controls that match fields in the user table for the current project. a5ws_Validate_WebUser_Values.errors = .F. if validated 'UserValue' overrides values passed by the request system variable. Accepts values as 'UserValue.Email', 'UserValue.Ulink', etc


The A5WS_Validate_WebUser_Values() function validates values from controls in a dialog component but does NOT save the values to fields in the Web Security User table. If you need to validate and save values, use the function A5WS_Save_WebUser_Values. Only values passed in the request.variable property of the request variable are saved. The value in request.variable.guid will be used to find an existing record. An optional value can be supplied in UserValue.guid to override the value in request.variable.guid. If both values are blank, the record will be considered a new record. The name of each control in the dialog must exactly match the name of the field in the user table. A list of valid field names can be found by using the A5WS_User_File_Field_List() function. It is used in the Server Validate event of a dialog component. Adding Users with a Web Component shows how the function is used in dialog component event. If validation errors are detected, the form will be redisplayed with the error message shown at the top of the form and the variable CurrentForm.Has_Error will be TRUE. The user can then make corrections and resubmit the form. If the variable CurrentForm.Has_Error = .T. prior to calling the function, the function will test the security control values for validation and return any errors, but will not save the values. The security values will only be saved if CurrentForm.Has_Error =.F.

Display the Form > Properties menu page of the Dialog Builder.
Click in the Server Events > Validate property.


Note that CurrentForm and Request are the names of variables created by the Application Server.


Using the Function Outside of a Dialog Component

The function is designed to be used within Server Events of a dialog component. However, it can be used on any Xbasic code section on a web page or component to validate various values for a specific user. It is helpful to get a list of valid field names currently being used in the user security table by using the A5WS_User_File_Field_List() function. One additional field named groups can be checked. Groups should contain a comma delimited or CR-LF delimited list of the security groups assigned to the user. The group values can be the group_guid value for each group or the group_name of each group.

= Email

The function will only validate values for fields passed to the function in the Request system variable as request.variable. and will only validate values for fields currently being used by the security system. NOTE: Security Settings may be defined to require values in certain User Verification Fields during data entry on the web. If these fields are included in the Request or UserValue variables, they can not be blank, or the record will not be validated and an error message will be returned. A value MUST be passed to the function to find the current user. This MUST be provided by either the system supplied request.variable.guid or a user supplied value in UserValue.guid. No other input value can be used to find an existing record. WARNING: If the guid value is not passed to the function, the guid value is blank, or the guid value doesn't match an existing record, the validate will assume this is a new record. A userid value must be an input value for a new record, or the validate is cancelled and returns an error message. Userid does not have to be entered for an existing record unless the value for userid is being changed. This code below will set the parameters to send to the function to find the user with a guid="20860aa66cfa4feb83ba25887d303f59" and validate the email address of "[email protected]".

dim uservalue as p
dim uservalue.guid as c
dim uservalue.email as c
uservalue.guid = "20860aa66cfa4feb83ba25887d303f59"
uservalue.email = "[email protected]"

This code could be used in place of the code above to set the parameters to send to the function to validate a new user record with a userid = "[email protected]" and an email address with the same value. The new user record will have a password tested using the value of "password". Since no guid is input, this is considered a new record. The function will automatically create a new guid value for the record only when the record is saved using A5WS_Save_WebUser_Values.

dim uservalue.userid as c
dim uservalue.email as c
dim uservalue.password as c
uservalue.userid = "[email protected]"
uservalue.email = "[email protected]"
uservalue.password = "password"

This code will test the user's group assignments of "Administrators" and "Marketing". The function will only validate groups that are valid values in security groups definitions.

dim uservalue.groups as c
uservalue.groups = "Administrators,Marketing"

An output pointer must be defined before the function is run. The function will always return the guid value for an existing record as .Controls.guid.value. The function will NOT cahnge the value in request.variable.guid if request variables were passed to the function. The function will also test values for any fields passed to the function in the Request system variable.

dim output as p
dim output.controls as p
dim output.controls.guid.value as c

The function will return the results of the validation in two ways. If the values passed validation, .has_error = .F., and result.errors = .F.. If the values failed validation, .has_error = .T., and result.errors = .T. Error messages will be shown in in .error_text and result.error_text. The actual fieldname values that failed validation will have .controls..has_error = .T. and may have an error message in .controls..error_message. The result.errors value can be tested to determine if any errors occured during processing.

dim result as p
dim error_message as c
result = a5ws_Validate_WebUser_Values(output,uservalue)
if result.errors = .T. then
    error_message = result.error_text
end if 
user_guid = output.controls.guid.value


May only be used in a web component or web page.

See Also

A5WS_WebUser_Exists Function


Result_Flag as L = a5ws_WebUser_Exists(C Userid [,* Localrequest ])



.T. = A user with this userid exists in the Web Security. .F. = A user with this userid does NOT exist in the Web Security.


A userID to test.


Optional. The Request system variable. It is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


Will return .T. if a user with this userid exists in the Web Security


The A5WS_WebUser_Exists() tests whether a user exists in the web security system having the user ID supplied in UserID. If the Userid value is not found, the Result_Flag will return 'False'. Request is added automatically by the server when run from a web page.


The following example tests if a record with a userid of "[email protected]" exists in web security.

?a5ws_WebUser_Exists("[email protected]")
 = .T.


Web applications only.

See Also