a5AjaxChunkedResponseWrite Function
C a5AjaxChunkedResponseWrite(c javascript [,p e])
- javascriptCharacter
JavaScript to send back to the client.
- ePointer
The e object that was passed to the Ajax Callback. e must be passed into a5AjaxChunkedResponses() if the javascript message includes placeholders (e.g. {dialog.object} or {dialog.componentName}).
- resultCharacter
a5AjaxChunkedResponseWrite returns an empty string.
Used in an Ajax callback that sends back chunked responses. Sends a message to the client.
The a5AjaxChunkedResponseWrite() function can be used to send messages from the server to the client while an Ajax Callback is being processed. The message is JavaScript to execute on the client.
dim js as c js = "$('div').innerHTML = 'Still working...';" a5AjaxChunkedResponseWrite(js)
The message can include JavaScript placeholders. If it does, you must also pass the e object, which is passed to the Ajax Callback, into the a5AjaxChunkedResponseWrite(). For example:
function xbCallback1 as c (e as p) dim js as c js = "{dialog.object}.setValue('PLACEHOLDER_1','Still working...');" a5AjaxChunkedResponseWrite(js, e) '...rest of callback return "{dialog.object}.setValue('PLACEHOLDER_1','Complete!');" end function
This function is used with the Ajax Callback Action Javascript with "Chunked Responses" enabled.
See Also