A5_defineAliases Function
- aliases
The aliase to define
Allows you to define aliases for use in a Desktop application using Xbasic. Aliases in a Desktop application are normally defined using the View/Settings/Aliases dialog. This function allows you to define the aliases programmatically.
Takes a CRLF delimited list of aliases defined using this format: aliasname|path. Allows you to define aliases for use in a Desktop application using Xbasic. Aliases in a Desktop application are normally defined using the View/Settings/Aliases dialog. This function allows you to define the aliases programmatically.
The following script (which would typically be placed in the Autoexec) will define two new aliases:
dim myaliases as c myaliases = <<%txt% [server]|\\masterserver\images [server2]|\\slaveserver\images2 %txt% a5_defineAliases(myaliases)
Having defined the aliases, you can now use them, as shown below in the Interactive window:
?filename_decode("[server]\image1.jpg") = "\\masterserver\images\image1.jpg"
Last Modification: Friday 27 of April, 2012 16:16:16 UTC by mheller.