node_request_result Function
- nodeServiceCharacter
Name of the node service to run.
- pDataPointer
Pointer to parameters to pass to the node service.
- flagRestartNodeLogical
.t. or .f. value. Default .f.
Flag indicating whether or not the node server should be restarted when node_request is called. .t. restarts the node server. Restarting the node server can be useful for debugging purposes. flagRestartNode should be set to .f. in a production environment.
- flagShowCommandWindowLogical
.t. or .f. value. Default .f.
Show the command window for the node service handler (allows developer to see feedback using console.log() in the handler).
- flagAllowDebugLogical
.t. or .f. value. Default .f.
Enable node debugger (requires that the node debugger be launched).
- opsInPointer
Default = null_value(). A dot variable used to define optional Helper::NodeAttachments. Can have the following properties:
- attachmentsInHelper::NodeAttachments
A Helper::NodeAttachments object to pass into the Node Service.
- attachmentsOutHelper::NodeAttachments
A Helper::NodeAttachments object that is returned from the Node Service.
- ResultPointer
Returns a dot variable containing the parsed JSON object returned by the Node Service. Includes the following properties:
- resultAny Type
The parsed JSON results returned by the Node Service.
- errorCharacter
An error message, if an error occurred. Otherwise blank.
- attachmentsHelper::NodeAttachments
A Helper::NodeAttachments object that contains binary data returned from the node service.
Calls a node service from Xbasic and returns the parsed JSON.
A wrapper around the node_request() function, except that instead of returning a JSON string, the JSON is already parsed and the function returns a .result and .error property. If there was no error, the .error property is blank.
dim pIn as p pIn.x = 4 pIn.y = 3 dim pOut as p pOut = node_request_result("multiply",pIn) ?pOut.error = "" 'empty string indicates no errors. ?pOut.result = 12
Automatic Node Restart
If you edit a Node Service, Alpha Anywhere will automatically set flagRestartNode to .T. in Live and Working Preview. If Node is not restart, any changes made to a Node Service will not be detected.
See Also