WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain Object


The WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain object contains properties and methods available for working with an Active Directory domain.



Domain.CallResult is used to check the success or failure of a method call or property get in the Domain object. Read Only.


Connect to Active Directory domain using SSL over port 636. Read Write.


Host is the fully qualified domain name of the Active Directory host server. Read Write.


Name is the name of the Active Directory domain. Read Write.


NetBiosName is the NetBios name of the Active Directory domain. Read Write.


UserId is the user id/name used to access Active Directory. This can be left blank if credentials are not needed to access Active Directory. Read Write.

This is akin to a connection string's credentials user name in that it is a user for accessing Active Directory and not a user in the application.


Password is the password used with the UserId to access Active Directory. This can be left blank if credentials are not needed to access Active Directory. Read Write.


LoginOu is the organizational unit used when validating application users' credentials. Read Write.

This can be left blank and the entire Active Directory will be searched for a user. Set this to a specific organizational unit to restrict user that can log into the application.


CurrentDomainServerName is the fully qualified domain name of the Active Directory server if the machine is joined to an Active Directory domain. Read Only


AdditionalUserAttributeNames is a crlf delimited list of attribute names to include when getting a user. These attributes are in addition to the default set of user attributes. Read Write.

User lookup under Active Directory can take a long time so attributes are only fetched at the time a user is authenticated. Default user attributes are named properties on the User object. Any other attributes need to be included in this list and then can be retrieved using the User.GetAttribute() method.


ConfigType is the type of the way in which the Domain object was created. Read Only.


Value 0

The Domain object was configured by setting object properites.


Value 1

The Domain object was configured by using the security configuration from the pubish profile. This option is only for use at runtime in the Application Server or Application Server for IIS.


Domain Method

Create a WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain object.

GetGroup Method

Get the group for a WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain object. Optionally include the users in the groups and optionally restrict the search for the group to a specific organizational unit.

GetGroups Method

Get the groups for a WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain object. Optionally include the users in the groups and optionally restrict the groups to a specific organizational unit.

GetOrganizationalUnits Method

Get the organizational units for a WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain object.

GetUser Method

Get a user for a WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain object.

GetUserByGuid Method

Get a user by guid for a WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain object.

GetUserBySid Method

Get a user by SID for a WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain object.

GetUsers Method

Get the users for a WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain object. Optionally restrict the users to a specific organizational unit.

TestConnectionString Method

Test an LDAP(S) connection string can connect to an Active Directory domain. This is a static method and can be called without creating a WindowsServices::ActiveDirectory::Domain object.

ValidateCredentials Method

Validate a user's credentials, userId and password, against and Active Directory domain.