The DataCache object. It has properties and methods needed to manage the grid cache.
- CacheFilePurgeEnabledLogical
The setting to enable periodic cache file purging. Default is .F.
- CacheFilePurgeFrequencyInMinutesNumeric
The frequency in minutes that a check is done to see if cache items need to be purged. The default is 1,440 minutes (1 day).
- CacheFilePurgeAgeInMinutesNumeric
The age in minutes a cache entry must be in order to be purged. A cache item may exceed this value depending on the purge frequency setting. The default is 1,440 minutes (1 day).
- MaximumRAMNumeric
The maximum about of memory used by the cache in megabytes. The default is 20 MB
- EnabledLogical
The setting for whether the cache is enabled or not. Defaults to .T.
- Add Method
Add an item to the cache
- Clear Method
Clear all items in the cache
- Dispose Method
Dispose of system resources used by the cache
- Fetch Method
- FetchByGuid Method
- GetGuidForKey Method
- GetKeyForGuid Method