Using Memo and Rich Text Memo Fields
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/View/RTF/Using Memo and Rich Text Memo Fields.xml
You can use memo fields and rich text memo fields for:
Add Text to RTF Memo Field
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Add Text to RTF Memo Field.xml
The Add Text to RTF Memo Field action adds text at any location in an RTF memo field. You may specify the font, style, size, and color. You can also insert new lines before or after the inserted text.
Add Text to Memo Field
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Add Text to Memo Field.xml
The Add Text to Memo Field action adds text at any location in a memo field. You can also insert new lines before or after the inserted text.
Copying Selected Text from a Memo Control
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Xdialog/Controls/Copying Selected Text from a Memo Control.xml
The following example shows how to copy selected text from a memo control. The script then pastes the copied text into a different text control on the same form.
Memo Properties
/documentation/pages/Desktop/Reference/Design/View/Form/Memo Properties.xml
A list of memo properties with examples included:
Xdialog Rich Text Fields
/documentation/pages/Ref/Desktop_Api/UI Functions/XDialog/Controls/RTF/index.xml
Syntax for creating Rich Text Field controls in an Xdialog.
Working with Rich Text Fields
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/View/RTF/Working with Rich Text Fields.xml
Adding rich text fields to a layout, using an RTF field, changing text properties, inserting date and time stamps, and more.
Inspect Memo or Image Field
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Field/Inspect Memo or Image Field.xml
The Inspect Memo or Image Field action displays the contents of a memo or image field.
Working with Conditional Rich Text Fields
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/View/RTF/Working with Conditional Rich Text Fields.xml
Fields and calculations, inserting fields and calculations, creating calculations, inserting soft line-breaks, the ELSEIF statement, and more
HTML Memo Editor
/documentation/pages/Guides/Mobile and Web Components/Grid/Grid Properties/Linked Grids and Content/HTML Memo Editor.xml
If you are displaying a Grid component in a Linked Content Section, and if the child Grid contains a pop-up HTML memo editor, the Linked Content Grid must be placed in the Master Template or a Search Part free-form edit region. The HTML editor will not function correctly if the Linked Content is placed in the Grid part's or Detail View part's free-form edit region.