Stopwatch Editor


Used to measure elapsed time.

A Stopwatch field is used to measure elapsed time between a start and a finish. The final value of a Stopwatch field is a number of seconds (including a "." and tenths of a second for added resolution). The timing may be started and stopped by tapping on buttons either right on the form details screen or on larger ones on an editor screen.

The displayed value will be shown formatted with hours, minutes, and seconds (with tenths) as needed though the actual stored value is only in seconds and tenths. For example, displaying "1:05.2" with a value of "65.2".

On the form details screen a Stopwatch field that has no value will display the message "Tap to start timer". When running, the message "Tap to stop timer" will be displayed along with an animated icon representing a running stopwatch. When stopped after running, the time value will be displayed, along with the message "Tap to resume or reset".

The Stopwatch Editor Screen is displayed when going from one field's editor to another with the Next/Previous button or swiping left or right. The editor will display the current time value as well as a large button to start or stop the timekeeping. Below the large button will be a smaller "Reset" button to clear the field's value.

Any number of stopwatches may be running at the same time, each independently keeping track of their own elapsed time from start to stop. A Stopwatch field that has been started but not stopped will have a value representing the start date/time. When stopped it will only have the elapsed time. When restarted (resumed) the value will be a time in the past that represents an updated time to give a correct total time with the pause in the middle removed.

Running Stopwatch fields may be left running when switching to another form or when saved to the server. They may be distinguished from completed timings by including both the date and time (with "-" and ":" characters" between the date and time components) instead of just a single numeric value representing the seconds and tenths of a second. Stopwatch fields that have been reset (cleared) will have an empty string as a value (that is, be blank).

Pressing and holding on a Stopwatch field in the form details screen will switch to showing the Stopwatch Editor Screen without starting stopping that stopwatch timing.