Response Object
The Response object is used with the Alpha Anywhere Classic Application Server. To access the Request object in the Alpha Anywhere Application Server for IIS, use the [Context.Response] object.
INET::Socket::SendFile Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/Socket/SendFile Method.xml
The INET::Socket::SendFile() method sends the specified file.
INET::SSLSocket::SendFile Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/INET/SSLSocket/SendFile Method.xml
The INET::SSLSocket::SendFile() method sends the named file.
Context.Response Object
Context.Response object properties and methods.
SendFile Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Server/Context/Response/SendFile Method.xml
Write the content of a file to output stream
Utility Objects
Utility objects - ImageName object, ImageResource object, ImageViewer object, and StringScanner object.
System Objects
Methods for System objects, including Addin, FILE, FileFind, OLE, Registry, Sockets, Thread, Trace, Exe, and Module objects.
Operation Objects
Methods for Operation objects, including the Append, Copy, Export, Import, Join, Mark, and Post object.
Refresh Objects
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Platform/Xbasic Action Scripting/Refresh Objects.xml
The Refresh Object(s) action refreshes the displayed contents of one or more objects.
Layouts Objects
Methods for Layouts objects, including Control, Label, Letter, and Report objects.