Print Options Dialog
- PDF Options
- Concatenate
- Multilingual support
- Embed fonts
- Linearize
- Black and white
- Convert hyperlinks
- JPEG Image Quality
- PDF Watermark Options
- Watermark
- Watermark type
- Text
- Font name
- Font size
- Orientation
- Font color
- Horizontal position
- Vertical position
- Foreground
- Watermark file name
- PDF Encryption Options
- Encrypt PDF file
- Owner password
- User password
- Can print
- Can modify document
- Can copy
- Can add notes
- Use 128 bit key
- HTML Options (V10 and earlier)
- Multilingual support
- Black and white
- Convert hyperlinks
- HTML File Type
- RTF Options (legacy)
- Multilingual support
- Black and white
- RTF Type
The Print Options dialog is available when you elect to E-Mail or Save to File a layout in the Print Genie or Print Layout Genie dialogs. The Save as default link at the bottom of the page allows you to save the current settings as your default for the next time you email or save a layout.
PDF Options
Allows you to combine 2 PDF files into a single result file. See also Combine files.
Multilingual support
Adds support for international character sets.
Embed fonts
Include required fonts in the PDF instead of allowing them to be resolved externally.
If the font is protected, it can't be embedded; this is often the case for bar code fonts, such as Code39.Linearize
If the PDF file will be displayed in a web application, linearization allows the browser to display pages from the PDF file before the entire PDF file has been downloaded. See also Linearize.
Black and white
Converts all colors to black, white, and gray.
Convert hyperlinks
Converts all hyperlinks started with "http://" into live links in the resulting PDF document.
JPEG Image Quality
Set the quality of JPEG images; this is a trade-off between image fidelity and size. Low quality uses the highest compression and produces the smallest images. No Compression produces the largest, highest-quality images.
PDF Watermark Options
Enables the watermark option. See also Create from Bitmap and Merge files.
Watermark type
Specifies how to create the watermark. The options are:
The text to use as a watermark.
Font name
The font to use for the watermark text.
Font size
The font size to use for the watermark text.
The rotation of the watermark text in 0.1 degree increments.
Font color
The font color to use for the watermark text.
Horizontal position
The horizontal position of the watermark text in 0.1 inch units. This positive value measured from the left edge of the page should take into account the minimum printer margin.
Vertical position
The vertical position of the watermark text in 0.1 inch units. This negative value measured from the top of the page should take into account the minimum printer margin.
When enabled, places the watermark above the page text, partially obscuring page content. When disabled, places the watermark below the page text.
Watermark file name
The name of a PDF file to use as the watermark. Optionally, click Click to create PDF from Bitmap to display the Create PDF File from Bitmap dialog.
PDF Encryption Options
Encrypt PDF file
Enables the encryption option. See also Encrypt.
Owner password
Specifies the text to use as the owner password. Only the owner can change the User password and the document other settings.
User password
Specifies the text to use as the read password.
Can print
Specifies whether the reader can print the document.
Can modify document
Specifies whether the reader can edit the document.
Can copy
Specifies whether the reader can select text in the document and copy it.
Can add notes
Specifies whether the reader can add notes.
Use 128 bit key
Selects between 40 bit and 128 bit encryption. Readers will need Adobe Acrobat version 5 or higher to read 128 bit encrypted files.
HTML Options (V10 and earlier)
Multilingual support
Adds support for international character sets.
Black and white
Converts all colors to black, white, and gray.
Convert hyperlinks
Converts all hyperlinks started with "http://" into live links in the resulting PDF document.
HTML File Type
Specifies how to represent multiple pages in the source document. The options are:
"Layers" - exports content as a single file with layers. Note : Mozilla and Firefox may have problems displaying this HTML.
"Single File" - exports content as pages in a single file.
"Multiple Files" - exports content as multiple files.
RTF Options (legacy)
Multilingual support
Adds support for international character sets.
Black and white
Converts all colors to black, white, and gray.
RTF Type
Specifies how to represent multiple pages in the source document. The options are:
"Advanced RTF" - exports text and graphics, and uses frames to position objects.
"Full RTF" - exports text and graphics, but does not use frames to position objects. This format is easier to edit.
"Formatted Text" - exports RTF text only.
"Simple Text" - exports unformatted ASCII text.
See Also