Desktop Print


An Alpha Anywhere User Guide to the Desktop.

Controlling the Printer and Output Filename

Alpha Anywhere allows you to override the printer specified in the layout definition. In the layout definition, you can specify an explicit printer name, or the default printer.

Override Default File Name for Print to File

The Override Default File Name for Print to File action sets the default filename for print to file. It can be reset with the Restore Default Filename for Print to File action.

Override Default Printer

The Override Default Printer action allows you to set any available printer to be the default printer.

Override Printer Settings Dialog Box

Use the Override Printer Settings dialog box to set the configuration of a printer.

Print Current Record

You can print records from within form or browse View. The toolbar includes a drop-down button, which you can set to either the Print Current Record button, or the Print/Send Selected Records button.

Print Current Record Dialog Box

Steps and options in printing current record dialog boxes.

Print Genie

The Print Genie lets you print, preview, email, fax, or save to a file the records in the current table or set, using any of the layouts that have been defined for that table or set.

Printing labels in a PDF

Problem: When I download a PDF with mail labels, they don't line up on my printer when I print the PDF (usually stretched or switched from aspect).

Print Layout Genie

The Print Layout Genie lets you print, preview, email, save to file, or fax the records in the current Table or Set, using any of the layouts that have been defined for that table or set.

Print Method Dialog Box

Two steps for selecting and changing the print mode.

Print Options Dialog

The Print Options dialog is available when you elect to E-Mail or Save to File a layout in the Print Genie or Print Layout Genie dialogs. The Save as default link at the bottom of the page allows you to save the current settings as your default for the next time you email or save a layout.

Print Properties

Report, Letter, and Label layouts let you save Page and Print properties directly in the layout. This lets you set margins, decide whether the layout should print in landscape or portrait mode, and choose the paper-size and printer on which the layout prints. For example, you can set properties in your sales Report so that it always prints in landscape mode.

Print Topics

Some print topics in Alpha Anywhere include:

Printer not activated, error code -20 (or -30)

The error message is probably telling you that somehow the Amyuni Printer Driver (called AlphaFivePrinterV4 in the Printers folder in Alpha Anywhere Version 10, and AlphaFivePrinterV4p5 in Version 11 as of Build 2235) is not properly installed.

Printing a Dialog as PDF

This example shows how to accept user input into a dialog component and then print a PDF version of the resulting document.

Printing ActiveX Controls

Alpha Anywhere allows you to print ActiveX controls placed on layouts in the following circumstances.

Printing Scripts and Functions

To print a script or function:

Restore Default File Name for Print to File

The Restore Default File Name for Print to File action restores the default file name for print to file for your computer. You should not need to use it unless you previously used the Override Default File Name for Print to File action. To get to the Restore Default File Name for Print to File option, open a workspace and then go to View > Code Editor. Once the Editor is open you can Select an Action by doing Right Click > Genies > Xbasic Script Genie. Scroll down to Reports (Print, Preview, Send, etc.) under the category list and then choose Restore Default File Name for Print to File from the list of actions that appear on the right of the Select Action dialog box.

Restore Default Printer

The Restore Default Printer action restores the default printer for your computer.

Setting Printer Options at Run Time

You can set printer options (such as Printer name, number of copies, paper tray etc.) at run time, overriding any printer settings that are saved in the layout definition.