Creating Custom Menus
Alpha Anywhere lets you create your own custom menus. You can attach custom menus to forms, browses, and print preview windows. These menus are called drop-down menus. You can also attach custom right-click menus to:
form fields
browse columns
browse rows
browse cells
Right-click menus appear when you right-click on a form or a browse. By creating custom menus for your forms, browses, and print preview windows, you can prevent users from accessing commands that you do not want them to use. Menu items on your custom menus can:
Execute a built-in action. For example, a menu item called Next Invoice could execute the Record, Next action from the default menu.
Run a Global Script. For example, a menu item called Print Reports could execute a Global Script you created.
Run Xbasic commands. For example, a menu item called New record could execute these Xbasic commands:
parentform.new_record() parentform:city.value = "Boston" parentform:last_name.activate()
See Also