Find by Key
The Find by Key dialog is available in both forms and browses, and lets you find the first record whose key value most closely matches a key value you specify. The Find by Key dialog does not require that you have at least one predefined index. If there are no indexes, it will allow you to search by record number or within a specified field.
The key value is the value of a field or fields by which records are ordered. For example, in a table with records ordered by LASTNAME , you could enter the letter "s" and Alpha Anywhere returns the first record in which in which LASTNAME begins with an "s". In this case, the key value for which you are searching is "s", and the key is LASTNAME. Find by Key is a modeless dialog. This means that you can keep the dialog open, perform a find, and then give focus back to your form or browse where you can edit records. Then you can do another find without having to first open the dialog, and so on. When you type an entry into the Find by Key dialog box, Alpha Anywhere auto-completes the entry. For example, if you are searching by LASTNAME , and you start typing "Har", if the first matching key is "Harrington", Alpha Anywhere will auto-complete the rest of the key. To use Find by Key :
In a form or browse, click the Find-by-Key button .
Click Search by: to select a key from the Select Index/Query or Field dialog box.
1. If the form does not have a filter expression, you may select an index, temporary or saved query. as you select each index, Alpha Anywhere displays its key expression.
2. Optionally display the Fields tab to search within a field.
3. Click OK to continue or Cancel to discard your selection.
Optionally, click the following to browse through and select from a list of index, query, or field values. Double-click any value to use it in the Search for text box, and Alpha Anywhere automatically performs the search.
Optionally, click to browse through and select from a list of previous search values. Double-click any value to use it in the Search for text box, and Alpha Anywhere automatically performs the search.
Optionally, click the following to display to set your preferences for Find by Key.
Type a key value in the Search for text box.
Click Find.
Click 'X' to exit.