The Invoice Form
The Invoice form demonstrates the following controls and techniques:
Using Rich Text Fields with Fields and Expressions demonstrates using static Rich Text controls with fields and expressions.
Using the Alpha Anywhere Internal Email Client shows how to use Alpha Anywhere's built-in email client.
Creating an Email Template shows how to create an email template.
Creating and Using Calculated Fields shows how to create and use calculated fields.
Creating and Using Summary Fields shows how to create and use summary fields.
Putting Table Navigation Buttons on Your Form shows how to add table navigation controls to a form.
Creating Alpha Anywhere Help Text shows how Alpha Anywhere help text was added to the PAY_METHOD, CC_NUMBER, and CC_EXPIRATION fields.
Controlling Record Navigation with the Invoice Toolbar shows how to change how the table navigation buttons on the toolbar work.
Using a Coded Lookup Field shows how to display one field value while actually storing a different field value.