The Invoice Form


The Invoice form demonstrates the following controls and techniques:

  • Using Rich Text Fields with Fields and Expressions demonstrates using static Rich Text controls with fields and expressions.

  • Using the Alpha Anywhere Internal Email Client shows how to use Alpha Anywhere's built-in email client.

  • Creating an Email Template shows how to create an email template.

  • Creating and Using Calculated Fields shows how to create and use calculated fields.

  • Creating and Using Summary Fields shows how to create and use summary fields.

  • Putting Table Navigation Buttons on Your Form shows how to add table navigation controls to a form.

  • Creating Alpha Anywhere Help Text shows how Alpha Anywhere help text was added to the PAY_METHOD, CC_NUMBER, and CC_EXPIRATION fields.

  • Controlling Record Navigation with the Invoice Toolbar shows how to change how the table navigation buttons on the toolbar work.

  • Using a Coded Lookup Field shows how to display one field value while actually storing a different field value.