- User's Guide
- Desktop
- Design
- View
- Form
- The InvoiceItemsPie Form
- A Conditional Object Example
- About Forms and Browses
- Accented Characters
- Adding Users from the Desktop
- Changing Custom Menus and Toolbars at Runtime
- Circular Tabbing on a Form
- Creating a Maximized Application with a Menu
- Creating Alpha Anywhere Help Text
- Creating Alpha Anywhere Help Text - AlphaSports
- Creating and Assigning a Startup Form
- Creating and Using a Conditional Object
- Creating Custom Menus
- Creating Menu Forms
- Creating the InvoiceItemsPie Form
- Creating Wallpaper for Your Application
- Design a Custom Menu
- Designing an Application for Alpha Five Runtime
- Displaying a Form as a Dialog Box
- Displaying the Main Menu
- Dynamic Internationalization for Desktop Application Forms and Reports
- Editing Objects
- Editing System Menus
- Editing System Toolbars
- Filter Builder
- Find by Form
- Find by Key
- Find Text
- Follow Changes and Enters
- Form Editor Control Library
- Form Events
- Form Headers and Footers
- Form Layout - Mouse Cursor Property
- Genies
- Linking to a External Help File Topic
- Managing Style Properties
- Methods for Opening Forms and Browses
- Modal and Modeless Data Entry
- Navigation
- Object Explorer
- OnKey Events on Forms
- Placing a Conditional Object
- Placing a Control on a Form
- Placing Bitmaps on a Form
- Placing Hotspots
- Placing Hyperlinks, Mail-to Links, and FTP Links on a Form
- Placing Lines and Frames
- Placing Subforms
- Prompting for User Input
- Put a Button on a Form to Open Another Form Showing Selected Records
- Put a Button on a Form to Send a Customized Email
- Query
- Querying and Sorting Child Tables on a Form
- Quick Import for a Form or Browse
- Reading From and Writing To the Data Dictionary
- Relative Addresses
- Running a Script with a Function Key
- Sales People Form
- Selecting and Opening a Form
- Selecting the Appropriate View of Your Data
- Setting Form Properties
- Setting Form Restrictions
- Setting the Tab Order
- Specifying a Window
- Startup Form Design Examples
- Synchronizing Form and Embedded Browse Record Navigation
- The Customer Information Form
- The CustQueryReport Form
- The Edit_Customer_Info Form
- The Inventory Form
- The Invoice Form
- The InvoiceItemsPie Form
- The InvoiceReportMenu Form
- The Items Form
- The Main Menu Form
- The Vendors Form
- The Window Bar
- Understanding Levels in a Form
- Using a Dialogasa Search Form
- Using a Form
- Using the Form Editor
- Using the Navigator
- Using the New Form Genie
The InvoiceItemsPie Form
The InvoiceItemsPie form demonstrates the use of the charting capability. A SimpleChart ActiveX control allows you to place bar and pie charts onto forms and control their properties with Xbasic.
See Also