HtmlHost Example 3: Horizontal Sizer
Like the Vertical Sizer, a5:target, a5:target_elem and a5:target_adjust must be defined. In addition to these, it is important to note that in the enclosing DIV style of "height:100%; flow:horizontal;", the flow:horizontal; portion causes the enclosed divs to flow left to right instead of top to bottom as they normally would.
dim html as c = <<%html% <html> <head> <style> <!-- .hsizer { background-color:ThreeDHighlight; behavior:clickable; cursor:w-resize; width:4px; height:100%%; } --> </style> </head> <body id="body"> <div style="height:100%;flow:horizontal;"> <div id="left" style="width:100%%;min-height:1in;height:100%%;background-color:green;" >Left</div> <div class="hsizer" a5:target="hsizer" id="hsizer" a5:target_elem="right" a5:target_adjust="-" ></div> <div id="right" style="width:1in;height:100%%;background-color:red; " >Right</div> </div> </body> </html> %html% ui_dlg_box("hDIV",<<%dlg% {size=width=5in;height=5in} {stretch=width,height} {htmlhost=html}; %dlg%)