Where is the Mouse?
This example shows how to detect which control the cursor is over. The script uses the {TIMER} event to periodically call the UI_DLG_CONTROL_FROM_POS()function, which returns the location of the cursor.
dim dlg_title as C dlg_title = "Where is the Mouse" ui_dlg_box(dlg_title,<<%dlg% {wrap=100} Move the mouse around the dialog. Notice that as you move the mouse, the current control's definition is shown.; {timer=timer} {interval=.05} {line=1,0}; {lf}; {region} First name: |[.20fname]; Last name: |[.20lname]; City: |[.20city] State: [.4state] Zip: [.6zip]; {endregion}; {line=1,0}; {region}; Current control:; {frame=1,1} {region} {text=80,2:current_control}; {endregion}; ; {endregion}; {lf}; <10&OK!ok> <10&Cancel!cancel>; %dlg%,<<%code% if (a_dlg_button = "timer") then a_dlg_button = "" current_control = ui_dlg_control_from_pos(dlg_title) current_control = remove_blank_lines(current_control) end if %code%)
Desktop applications only
See Also