Quick Panel Genie


The Quick Panel Genie allows you to define a complex Panel layout quickly.

You can add multiple Panels (Panel Navigators, Panel Cards and Panel Layouts) at once using the Quick Panel Genie. Panels can have an optional header and/or footer. You can also add static text objects and buttons.

Double-click the placeholder listed in the left-hand column to insert it in the Quick Panel editor. For a Panel Card, Panel Layout, or Panel Navigator, you will be prompted to choose whether or not the panel should also be created with a header and/or footer.

Items can be placed inside Panels using tabs (not spaces) to indicate that an object belongs inside a Panel. Panels can be nested inside Panels, as well as buttons and static text objects.

Inserting a Panel Card
Because indentation is used to indicate containership, there is no need to put in 'ending' directives. For example, there is no need for a {PanelCard} to be followed by a {PanelCardEnd} directive.

The {PanelCard} is used to create a Panel Card. In the following example, a Panel Card with a Static Text Object will be generated.

Controls generated from Quick Panels using the {PanelCard} placeholder

The {PanelCard-H}, {PanelCard-F}, and {PanelCard-HF} can be used to create a Panel Card with a Header, Footer, or Header and Footer. For example, the following creates a Panel Card with a header and a static text object:

Controls generated from Quick Panels using the {PanelCard-H} placeholder

This example creates a Panel Card with a header, footer and static text object:

Controls generated from Quick Panels using the {PanelCard-HF} placeholder

Here is a more complex example showing a Panel Navigator with 3 child Panel Cards. Note that one of the Panel Cards has a header and footer.

Controls generated for 3 Panel Cards nested inside a Panel Navigator

Here is the same layout with the addition of static text objects to help identify the current Panel Card when testing the component. The colon ':' can be used to define text to be shown in a static text object or button.

		{StaticTextObject:some text1}
		{StaticTextObject:some text2}
		{StaticTextObject:some text3}
Controls generated for 3 Panel Cards nested inside a Panel Navigator with placeholder text

Predefined Layouts

There are several pre-defined layouts available. To insert a pre-defined layout, click the Insert pre-defined layout link. The pre-defined Layouts dialog lists the layouts availalbe, including a description of the layout and the code that will be inserted into the Quick Panel editor.

Pre-defined Layouts dialog

Quick Panel Placeholders

Placeholders used to define the panel layout in the Quick Panel Genie are listed below.


Creates a Panel Card


Creates a Panel Card with a Header


Creates a Panel Card with a Footer


Creates a Panel Card with a Header and Footer


Creates a Panel Layout


Creates a Panel Layout with a Header


Creates a Panel Layout with a Footer


Creates a Panel Layout with a Header and Footer


Creates a Panel Navigator


Creates a Panel Navigator with a Header


Creates a Panel Navigator with a Footer


Creates a Panel Navigator with a Header and Footer


Creates a static text object. Use a colon ':' to define the text to be displayed in the text object. EG: {StaticTextObject:This is a static text object}


Creates a button. Use a colon ':' to define the text in the button. EG: {ButtonObject:Click Me!}


Creates a split-view layout with a 'menu' Panel and 'master' Panel wrapped in a Panel Layout. If the window size is large enough, the 'menu' Panel is shown. Otherwise, the 'menu' Panel is docked and a button is shown in a Panel Header for displaying the menu.


Creates a split-view layout with a 'menu' Panel and 'master' Panel wrapped in a Panel Layout. Generates the same controls as the {Predefined:Splitview} but uses an icon to show/hide the docked 'menu' Panel.


Creates a split-view layout with a 'menu' Panel and 'master' Panel wrapped in a Panel Layout. Generates the same controls as the {Predefined:Splitview} but uses an icon to show/hide the docked 'menu' Panel. Icons are included in the menu items and sample Panel Cards for each menu item are also created.

Predefined placeholders should be inserted without additional placeholders. Any placeholers added alongside a Predefined placeholder will be ignored by the Quick Panel Genie.