Custom CSS


Define custom CSS for styling the menu. This property is only available when CSS type is set to "Custom".


When you click the Sample css link, the built-in CSS used to style the ExpandingMenu control is inserted into the CSS editor. The build-in CSS uses SASS, which is an extension of CSS. Multiple variables are defined that contain colors and sizes. It also includes a function called makeColorSafe.

The makeColorSafe function takes a foreground and background color as input and modifies the foreground color so that text, svg images, borders, etc using the color are readable when placed over the background color.

@function makeColorSafe($foreColor,$backColor) {
    $f-h: hue($foreColor);
    $f-s: saturation($foreColor);
    $f-l: lightness($foreColor);
    $b-h: hue($backColor);
    $b-s: saturation($backColor);
    $b-l: lightness($backColor);
    $d-h: abs( $f-h - $b-h );
    $d-s: abs( $f-s - $b-s );
    $d-l: abs( $f-l - $b-l );
    @if $d-h < 15deg {
        @if $d-l < 60% {
            $n-l: if( $b-l > 50%, $b-l - 60%, $b-l + 60% );
            $n-s: if( $d-s > 20%, $f-s, if( $b-s > 75% , $f-s - 20%, $f-s + 20% ));
            @return change-color( $foreColor , $lightness: $n-l , $saturation: $n-s )
    } @else {
        @if $d-l < 50% and $d-s < 50% {
            $n-l: if( $b-l > 55%, $b-l - 50%, $b-l + 50% );
            @return change-color( $foreColor , $lightness: $n-l )
    @return $foreColor

$color: #5f4ede; //this sets the color of the menu tree. the PanelCard that contains this ViewBox has its background color set to the same value
$colorHover: lighten($color,5);
$colorBranch: lighten($color,10);
$colorBranchHover: lighten($color,15);
$foreColor: makeColorSafe(#000,$color);
$indent: 24px;

.item .icon {
    fill: $foreColor;
    stroke: $foreColor;

.item {
	position: relative;
	padding: 6px 12px;
	background: $color;
	cursor: pointer;
	line-height: 26px;
	color: $foreColor;

.item:hover {
	background: $colorHover;
.branch .item {
	padding-left: $indent;
	background: transparent;
.branch .item:hover {
	background: $colorBranchHover;
.branch {
	background: $colorBranch;
.branch .branch .item {
	padding-left: $indent*2;
.branch .branch .branch .item {
	padding-left: $indent*3;
.branch .branch .branch .branch .item {
	padding-left: $indent*4;

//supports up to 5 level of menu indentation
.branch .branch .branch .branch .branch .item {
	padding-left: $indent*5;
SASS is included with Alpha Anywhere.

See Also