Limit the Data Returned


Add an optional parameter to the page for 'primarykey' so we can limit data returned to a single record.

Note that the Primary Key is passed to the cn.Execute() as a parameter, when exposing a service directly to the web, it is imperative that any dynamic SQL data is either validated (as the Products and Customers tablename is), Or when passing data or filter criteria, you must use SQL::Arguments to prevent SQL Injection Attacks.

dim tablename as c 
dim primaryKeyName as c

' Validate the tablename
if eval_valid("request.variables.tablename") then
	tablename = request.variables.tablename
    if tablename <> "Customers" .and. tablename <> "Products" then
        ? "{ \"error\" : \"Cannot Access table "+tablename+"\" }"
    end if
    if tablename = "Products" then
    	primaryKeyName = "ProductID"
        primaryKeyName = "CustomerID"    
    end if
    ? "{ \"error\" : \"No tablename specified \" }"
end if

dim args as sql::Arguments
dim sql as c = "select * from "+tablename

if eval_valid("request.variables.primarykey") then
   sql = sql + " where "+primaryKeyName+" = :PKey"
end if

dim cn as sql::Connection
cn.PortableSQLEnabled = .t.
if cn.Open("::Name::Northwind") then
	 if cn.Execute(sql,args) then
        dim rs as sql::ResultSet = cn.ResultSet
		dim responseJson as c = rs.ToJSONObjectSyntax()
		responseJson =  "{ \"items\" : [" + strtran( alltrim(responseJson) , crlf(), ","+crlf() ) + "] }"
		? json_reformat( responseJson )
        dim resp.error as c = cn.CallResult.Text
        ? json_generate(resp)
	 end if
    dim resp.error as c = cn.CallResult.Text
    ? json_generate(resp)
end if

Now we can use the endpoint to look for a specific Record.

>curl ""
    "items": [
            "ProductID": "2",
            "ProductName": "Chang",
            "SupplierID": "1",
            "CategoryID": "1",
            "QuantityPerUnit": "24 - 12 oz bottles",
            "UnitPrice": "19",
            "UnitsInStock": "17",
            "UnitsOnOrder": "40",
            "ReorderLevel": "25",
            "Discontinued": "F"