Populate Backend Database
This Section demonstrates adding Post Method to Populate the Tables with new records.
Part of the http standard is the 'method' type on the http request.
When a user navigates to a web page, the http method has a value of 'GET'.
When a user hits the 'SUBMIT' button on a form, the http method is set to a value of 'POST'.
The http 'method' can be retrieved using the request.request_method field, and if the value is 'POST', the posted data can be retrieved through the request.body field.
if request.request_method = "POST" then ' Add a record if json_validate(request.body) <> "" then ? "{ \"error\" : \"Body is not valid JSON \" }" end end if dim ti as sql::TableInfo cn.GetTableInfo(ti,tablename) dim jsd as extension::JSON jsd.setJson(request.body) dim columns as c = "" dim values as c = "" for i = 1 to ti.Column.Count dim columnName as c = ti.Column[i].name if jsd.hasProperty(columnName) then args.Set(columnName,jsd.getProperty(columnName)) columns = columns + columnName + "," values = values + ":" + columnName + "," end if next if columns <> "" then columns = rtrim(columns,",") values = rtrim(values,",") sql = "insert into "+tablename+" ("+columns+") values ("+values+")" else ? "{ \"error\" : \"No columns specified \" }" end end if end if
Note the use of the extension::JSON class to parse the JSON packet that is passed insert representing the fields we want to set in the record we add.
For example, if request.body contained the following JSON:
{ "ProductName" : "Tennis Racket", "UnitPrice" : "34.99" }
When 'ProductName' and 'UnitPrice' are retrieved from ti.column[i].name, since hasProperty() returns true for these fields since they exist in the JSON, the fields values will be retrieved with the jsd.GetProperty() call, and set into the SQL arguments.
While the SQL arguments are being populated, the column names and values (references to the arguments) are built as well.
In this case, the sql get set to insert into Products (ProductName,UnitPrice) values (:ProductName,:UnitPrice).
Now we have an A5W page that defines a service endpoint that can get records, as well as add new records.
The full page with the changes applied.
<%a5 dim tablename as c dim primaryKeyName as c ' Validate the tablename if eval_valid("request.variables.tablename") then tablename = request.variables.tablename if tablename <> "Customers" .and. tablename <> "Products" then ? "{ \"error\" : \"Cannot Access table "+tablename+"\" }" end end if if tablename = "Products" then primaryKeyName = "ProductID" else primaryKeyName = "CustomerID" end if else ? "{ \"error\" : \"No tablename specified \" }" end end if dim args as sql::Arguments dim sql as c = "select * from "+tablename if eval_valid("request.variables.primarykey") then args.Set("Pkey",request.variables.primarykey) sql = sql + " where "+primaryKeyName+" = :PKey" end if dim cn as sql::Connection cn.PortableSQLEnabled = .t. if cn.Open("::Name::Northwind") then if request.request_method = "POST" then ' Add a record if json_validate(request.body) <> "" then ? "{ \"error\" : \"Body is not valid JSON \" }" end end if dim ti as sql::TableInfo cn.GetTableInfo(ti,tablename) dim jsd as extension::JSON jsd.setJson(request.body) dim columns as c = "" dim values as c = "" for i = 1 to ti.Column.Count dim columnName as c = ti.Column[i].name if jsd.hasProperty(columnName) then args.Set(columnName,jsd.getProperty(columnName)) columns = columns + columnName + "," values = values + ":" + columnName + "," end if next if columns <> "" then columns = rtrim(columns,",") values = rtrim(values,",") sql = "insert into "+tablename+" ("+columns+") values ("+values+")" else ? "{ \"error\" : \"No columns specified \" }" end end if end if if cn.Execute(sql,args) then dim rs as sql::ResultSet = cn.ResultSet if request.request_method = "POST" then if rs.CallResult.LastInsertedIdentity = "" then ? "{ \"identity\" : \"" + rs.Data(1) + "\" }" else ? "{ \"identity\" : \""+rs.CallResult.LastInsertedIdentity+"\" }" end if else dim responseJson as c = rs.ToJSONObjectSyntax() responseJson = "{ \"items\" : [" + strtran( alltrim(responseJson) , crlf(), ","+crlf() ) + "] }" ? json_reformat( responseJson ) end end if else dim resp.error as c = cn.CallResult.Text ? json_generate(resp) end if else dim resp.error as c = cn.CallResult.Text ? json_generate(resp) end if
Adding a Record using Curl Request
Now that the endpoint handles 'POST' we can use it to insert a record.
use the Curl '-d' option (followed by the JSON string) to send the POST record request to the service endpoint.
>curl -d "{ \"ProductName\" : \"Foozeball\" }" "" { "identity" : "90" } >curl "" { "items": [ { "ProductID": "90", "ProductName": "Foozeball", "SupplierID": null, "CategoryID": null, "QuantityPerUnit": null, "UnitPrice": "0", "UnitsInStock": "0", "UnitsOnOrder": "0", "ReorderLevel": "0", "Discontinued": "F" } ] }