- pResultPointer
A pointer variable that is populated by this function. Will contain the following:
- pMessage Component
- Description
- .headers
Contains the headers for the entire message.
- .message
contains the entire text of the message
- .nBytes
contains the number of bytes that the server reported is in the message
- .content_type
has the value of the "content-type:" field from the headers.
- .parts
If the message has many parts (Content-Type: Multipart/Alternative or similar), there will be an array named parts in the pMessage structure. Each element of this array contains: headers, message, content_type, and perhaps another parts array. The parts array will usually be there if the message contains html or attachments, as is seen below.
- pSocketPointer
A pointer variable that is populated by EMAIL_POP_OPEN().
- nMessageNumeric
The message number that you want to retrieve from the server.
- lDeleteLogical
Default = .F. .T. = The message will be deleted from the server after it is downloaded .F. = The message is not deleted.
- nBlockSizeNumeric
Default = 64KB. The number of bytes that should be retrieved from the server at one time.
- lStatusLogical
- Result_FlagLogical
.T. = The message was successfully downloaded. .F. = The message was not downloaded.
The EMAIL_POP_RETR() function retrieves a single message from a POP3 server. The connection must have been previously opened with EMAIL_POP_OPEN(). , i.e. the pSocket.s must be an open connection
DIM pSocket as P DIM pMessage as P ? email_pop_open(pSocket, "", "john_doe", "sneaky") = .T. ? pSocket.nMessages = 5 ? email_pop_retr(pMessage, pSocket, 2) = .T. ? properties_enum(pMessage) = headers message nBytes content_type parts
Example 2
? pMessage.content_type = "Multipart/Mixed" ? pMessage.parts1.content_type = "Multipart/Alternative" ? pMessage.parts1.parts1.content_type = "Text/Plain" ? pMessage.parts1.parts1.message = "This is a plain text email" ? pMessage.parts1.parts2.content_type = "Text/Html"
See Also