
HTTP_GET Function


Result as P = http_get(url as C [,cookie as C [,port as N [,timeout as N [,show_before_send as L [,validate_ssl_cert as L [,SSLCipherList as C]]]]]])



The URL of the page to retrieve.


Default = "". Cookie data. Limited to 8 MB (megabytes.)


Default = -1. The port to use. When set to -1 or 0, the correct standard port for the protocol specified will be used (e.g. 80 for http://, 443 for https://).


Default = 8000 milliseconds. The number of milliseconds to wait before timing out.


Default = .F.. When .T., displays the request before being sent. Useful for debugging.


Default = .T.. If the specified URL starts with "https://", this flag controls whether or not the certificate offered by the server will be validated.


Default = "". SSL Cipher List. When an empty list is provided, the function [httpd_defaultCipherList()] is used to set the acceptable ciphers for this request.


Default = .F.. By default, this function will not follow any server redirects. Set this to .T. to follow redirects. The maximum allowed number of redirects is 20.



A dot variable containing the server's response.


The error message, if any. If no error occurs, error_text will be empty.


The error number, if any. If no error occurs, error_code will be 0.


Response headers. If error_code is 0, the result will contain a dot variable, parsed_headers, with a property representing each response header.


Response body.


Contains all the headers in the response split out into individual properties. If an error occurred when trying to communicate with the server, parsed_headers will be empty. parsed_headers will always contain the following properties in addition to the headers in the response:


The HTTP version used.


A description of the status code.


The response status code. See Status Codes for a list of status codes.


Use the HTTP method GET to retrieve the specified URL.


The HTTP_GET() function downloads from a URL using the GET method with TLS 1.2 or newer. The function supports cookies and returns a pointer with the parsed response from the server. If error_code is "0", parsed_response will contain the headers in the result:

result = http_get("https://www.alphasoftware.com")

? result.error_code
= 0

? result.parsed_headers
= AccessControlAllowCredentials = "false"
CacheControl = "s-maxage=0,max-age=0"
CFCacheStatus = "MISS"
CFRay = "6670eee43f011a70-EWR"
cfrequestid = "0afa73a2a600001a70d0247000000001"
Connection = "close"
ContentSecurityPolicy = "upgrade-insecure-requests"
ContentType = "text/html;charset=utf-8"
Date = "Tue, 29 Jun 2021 17:39:15 GMT"
EdgeCacheTag = "CT-35182565649,P-106714,L-35181923534,L-5604761998,CW-24331389464,CW-35229429723,CW-5735045208,CW-5735324780,CW-5737318041,E-2213003845,E-34723407283,E-48984798551,E-5218256228,E-5218258420,E-5218269128,E-5218270162,PGS-ALL,SW-1,GC-28400762621"
ExpectCT = max-age=604800, report-uri="https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct"
http_version = "HTTP/1.1"
Link = "</hs/hsstatic/cos-i18n/static-1.37/bundles/project.js>; rel=preload; as=script, </hs/hsstatic/HubspotToolsMenu/static-1.103/js/index.js>; rel=preload; as=script"
NEL = {"report_to":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
reason_phrase = "OK"
ReferrerPolicy = "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
ReportTo = {"endpoints":[{"url":"https:\/\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\/report\/v2?s=bj2NYewys4axOmkRAKRF%2BAqzfhj%2B2fXHr8ib8wYh1dv3taAyRYmH85Bdsu5n1AAws6pSqs1HZJGR6HjcOWJcGaiGIZ4v3I0WyGIfsebkiauedORarKQOL7mFTVrjYsseeIg%3D"}],"group":"cf-nel","max_age":604800}
Server = "cloudflare"
SetCookie = "__cfruid=6ecc829e5dcc9b33e3192a52d6758830e9cf1016-1624988355; path=/; domain=.www.alphasoftware.com; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None"
status_code = 200
StrictTransportSecurity = "max-age=0"
Vary = "Accept-Encoding"
XHSCacheConfig = "BrowserCache-0s-EdgeCache-0s"
XHSContentId = "35182565649"
XHSHubId = "106714"
XHubSpotCorrelationId = "14f0e1de-6feb-4f4c-8973-90863867f09a"
XPoweredBy = "HubSpot"
XTrace = "2B6A4B63690779FED0913D6BF90FF40AB4098349DC000000000000000000"

Status code 200 indicates that the page exists. Status code 404 indicates that it does not. Other status codes you may encounter, along with the meanings of each, are documented in Status Codes.

Handling Redirects

When the server responds with a 301, 302, 307, or 308 code, HTTP_GET() does not automatically use the new URL. As of build 8596, developers my optionally specify that redirects should be followed by using the settings.Redirects.follow property. In earlier builds or if automatice redirect handling is not desired, the developer needs to examine result.parsed_headers.status_code, then if appropriate, try the URL provided in result.parsed_headers.location. For example:

dim url as C = "https://www.alphasoftware.com/"
dim result as P
result = http_get(url)

if (result.error_code == 0) then
    while (result.parsed_headers.status_code == 301 .or. result.parsed_headers.status_code == 302 .or. result.parsed_headers.status_code == 307 .or. result.parsed_headers.status_code == 308)
        result = http_get(result.parsed_headers.Location)
        if (result.error_code <> 0)
        end if
    end while
    if (result.parsed_headers.status_code <> 200) then
        ' Request returned with an error.
        ui_msg_box("Error","The request returned with the following status code: " + result.parsed_headers.status_code,UI_STOP_SYMBOL)
        ' status 200
    end if

    ui_msg_box("Error","The request failed with the following error code: " + result.error_code + crlf() + "Error details: " + result.error_text)
end if


HTTP GET is different from HTTP POST in two significant ways. Some devices may restrict the total length of a URL to 128 characters, which may trim the arguments appended by a GET command. There is no such restriction with POST commands. You may save (bookmark) and refresh URLs formatted through HTTP GET. The arguments sent by HTTP POST are not saved in a bookmark.

Example: Retrieve a Page

This example retrieves the Alpha Software home page:

dim alpha as P
alpha = http_get("https://www.alphasoftware.com/")

if (alpha.error_code == 0) then
    if (alpha.parsed_headers.status_code = 200) then
    end if
    ui_msg_box("Error","The request failed with the following error code: " + alpha.error_code + crlf() + "Error details: " + alpha.error_text)
end if

Example: Search Google

In the example below, HTTP_GET is used to perform a search using www.google.com:

dim search_term as C
dim google as P
search_term = ui_get_text("Search for...","What are you looking for?")
google = http_get("http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=" + urlencode(search_term))

if (google.error_code == 0) then
    if (google.parsed_headers.status_code = 200) then
    end if
    ui_msg_box("Error","The request failed with the following error code: " + google.error_code + crlf() + "Error details: " + google.error_text)
end if

Example: RSS Feed

In this example, RSS text is retrieved from Slashdot.org using HTTP_GET:

dim rss as P

rss = http_get("http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot")

if (rss.error_code == 0) then
    if .not. eval_valid("rss.body")
        ui_msg_box("Error","The RSS file was not downloaded from the server.",UI_STOP_SYMBOL)
        dim num_items as N
        num_items = count_textblocks(rss.body,"<item","</item>")
        dim item[num_items] as P
        dim i as N
        dim this_item as C
        for i = 1 to num_items
            this_item = extract_string(rss.body,"<item","</item>",i,.t.)
            item[i].title = extract_string(this_item,"<title>","</title>")
            item[i].link = extract_string(this_item,"<link>","</link>")
            item[i].description = extract_string(this_item, "<description>", "</description>")
            item[i].creator = extract_string(this_item, "<dc:creator>", "</dc:creator>")
            item[i].subject = extract_string(this_item, "<dc:subject>", "</dc:subject>")
            item[i].date = extract_string(this_item, "<dc:date>", "</dc:date>")
            item[i].section = extract_string(this_item, "<slash:section>", "</slash:section>")
            item[i].department = extract_string(this_item, "<slash:department>", "</slash:department>")
            item[i].comments = extract_string(this_item, "<slash:comments>", "</slash:comments>")
            item[i].hitparade = extract_string(this_item, "<slash:hitparade>", "</slash:hitparade>")
        next i
        'now do something with this, like put it into a table or build an output file.
    end if
    ui_msg_box("Error","The request failed with the following error code: " + rss.error_code + crlf() + "Error details: " + rss.error_text)
end if

See Also