
Helper::HtmlProcessor Class


Class to search and replace html elements and attributes.



resource property


Addresource Method

Add a resource.

AddTagAttributeFilter Method

Adds a tag attribute filter.

AddTagPairFilter Method

Replace an entire tag pair (beginning/end) that matches tag and/or crlf separated list of <attrib>=<pattern>.

AddTagPairMarkup Method

Add rule to replace generate markups (replace inline markup & saves mapping).

AddTagPairRunFilter Method

Replace an a run of matching tag pairs (i.e. group <p> tags that have a common class name).

CombineDuplicateAttributes Method

Combine attributes that have been duplicated in a tag.

CountMarkupReplacement Method

Returns the number of markups done.

Deleteresource Method

Delete a resource.

ExplicitImageTagSizing Method

Forces html processor to include IMG tag width & height (loads the post-processed image , may cost some time - optimized for file: protocol).

ExtractTagAttributes Method

Return list of attributes (in format) from only tags in comma separated tagname list.

ExtractTags Method

Return only tags in comma separated tagname list.

GetMarkupReplacement Method

Returns the markup replacement for tag #.

GetTagInnerHTML Method

Get index element matching tag (returns blank if no inner html).

GetTagOuterHTML Method

Get index element matching tag (returns blank if no inner html).

Insertresource Method

Insert a new resource.

Moveresource Method

Move a block of resource items.

ProcessHTML Method

Apply html edit rules to html.

ProcessHTMLResources Method

Process html to convert ANY resources (images, optionally style sheets etc), into a standalone resource list (returned in resource array).

ProcessJavascriptExample Method

Create javascript markup (colorize using classes).

ProcessSVGResources Method

Process html to convert ANY embedded SVG tags into embedded background tags.

ProcessXbasicExample Method

Create Html for Xbasic (colorize using classes).

RemoveBlockTags Method

Assumes 'pre' rules for spacing, but removes tags from html

RemoveSpans Method

Remove spans from html.

SetHighlighter Method

Adds a highlighter.

SetJavascriptFunctionReplace Method

Register expression for doing javascript function replacements.

SetXbasicFunctionReplace Method

Register expression for doing Xbasic function replacements.

TerminateEscapedCharacters Method

Force termination on escaped characters.

See Also