Debug Image File Reference Fields

An Image File Reference Field is a field in an native Alpha Anywhere table (.dbf), that contains the filename of an image. The filename it typically encoded using an alias. When you publish a Grid that has an Image File Reference Field it can be tricky to get the images to display properly. You will run into problems if you don't publish your images to the correct location on your server.

Debug an Image File Reference Image Not Displaying Correctly

If you have built a Grid that contains Image File Reference fields, and the images are not displaying when you run the Grid, this topic can help you find the problem.

Debugger Features

The debugger has been completely rewritten. Many new features have been added. It is now substantially faster and it will dramatically increase your productivity when you are debugging your Xbasic code.

Error Messages

A list of possible error messages.

Script Debugger

The Script Debugger allows the programmer to step through an Xbasic script or function and watch as Alpha Anywhere executes each line.

Sending Output to the Trace Window

Send output to the Trace window from either your Xbasic scripts or from the Interactive window

Startup Log

When Alpha Anywhere starts up, a log can be created used to troubleshoot startup and workspace loading issues. If technical support is required from Alpha Software, the technician may request this file.

Status Codes

3-digit status codes that indicate the type of response being sent by a server.

User-defined Error Codes

Alpha Anywhere has had a CallResult object since A5 Version 8. As of Version 11, we have reserved the error code range from 20000 to 24999 for User-defined Error Codes. You may define your own error codes by editing Alpha5.errors. We recommend keeping a backup of your additions so that you can easily merge them into any future versions of Alpha5.errors that we release.

Xbasic Debugger Tutorial Videos

Selwyn Rabins explains how to use the major features of the Xbasic debugger.