AlphaCloud::Client Class



String Application property


String CallResult property


String CustomerName property


String SubscriptionName property


CertificateNameIsValid Method

CertificateNameIsValid returns .t. if a certificate the name provided matches one that has been loaded into the current subscription.

CreateApplicationDeployment Method

CreateApplicationDeployment creates a new application deployment based on the contents of the request provided.

CreateSecurityApplication Method

CreateSecurityApplication creates a new security application based on the request provided.

CreateWebSite Method

CreateWebSite creates a new web site based on the values provided.

DeployApplicationComplete Method

DeployApplicationComplete creates a deployment and any required objects and then schedules it to run.

DeployApplicationToWebSite Method

DeployApplicationToWebSite deploys an application to a a web site and path within the web site.

DisableApplicationDeployment Method

DisableApplicationDeployment sets the status of a deployment to disabled.

DisableSecurityApplication Method

DisableSecurityApplication sets the status of a security application to be disabled. Any a scheduled deployment referencing the security application will effectively be disabled and stopped as well.

DisableWebSite Method

DisableWebSite sets the status of a web site to disabled. Any scheduled deployment assigned to the web site will effectively be disabled and will be stopped.

EnableApplicationDeployment Method

EnableApplicationDeployment sets the status of a deployment to Enabled.

EnableSecurityApplication Method

EnableSecurityApplication sets the status of a security application to enabled. Any deployments that are scheduled but would not be run because the security application was disabled will be redeployed.

EnableWebSite Method

EnableWebSite sets the status of a web site to enabled. Any deployments that are assigned to the web site and would have deployed except that the web site was disabled will be deployed.

GetApplicationCurrentVersion Method

GetApplicationCurrentVersion gets the most recent version number of the application published.

GetApplicationDeployment Method

GetApplicationDeployment retrieves the properties of an application deployment.

GetSecurityApplication Method

GetSecurityApplication retrieves the properties of a security application.

GetWebSite Method

GetWebSite retrieves the properties of a web site.

ListAccounts Method

ListAccounts returns a list of the accounts created for the current subscription.

ListApplicationDeployments Method

ListApplicationDeployments creates a list of deployments for the current subscription, account and application.

ListApplications Method

ListApplications gets a list of applications created for the current subscription and account.

ListApplicationVersions Method

ListApplicationVersions gets a list of the versions available for the currently selected subscription, account and application.

ListBuilds Method

ListBuilds gets a list of Alpha Anywhere builds available on Alpha Cloud in CRLF delimited format.

ListCertificates Method

ListCertificates gets a list of certificates uploaded for the current subscription.

ListRegions Method

ListRegions gets a list of the regions available for Alpha Cloud.

ListSecurityApplications Method

ListSecurityApplications gets a list of security applications for the current subscription.

ListServerGroups Method

ListServerGroups gets a list of server groups for the current subscription.

ListWebSites Method

ListWebSites gets a list of web sites created for the current subscription.

RegionNameIsValid Method

RegionNameIsValid returns .t. if a region name is available in Alpha Cloud and .f. if it is not.

RegularExpressionIsValid Method

RegularExpressionIsValid validates a regular expression to be used for password validation.

ScheduleApplicationDeployment Method

ScheduleApplicationDeployment schedules a deployment for some time now or in the future based on the settings in an application deployment itself and the parameters passed.

SetApplicationDeploymentStatus Method

SetApplicationDeploymentStatus sets the status for an application deployment belonging to the current subscription, account and application.

SetSecurityApplicationPasswordSettings Method

SetSecurityApplicationPasswordSettings sets password options for the named security application that is in the current subscription.

SetSecurityApplicationRegion Method

SetSecurityApplicationRegion sets the region a security application is assigned to.

SetWebSiteHostNameAndCertificate Method

SetWebSiteHostNameAndCertificate sets the host name (DNS name) and certificate name for a web site belonging to the current subscription.

SetWebSiteRegion Method

SetWebSiteRegion sets the region a web site is to be deployed in.

SetWebSiteServerGroup Method

SetWebSiteServerGroup assigns a web site to a server group.

SetWebSiteTenancy Method

SetWebSiteTenancy sets the tenancy on the named web site within the current subscription.

See Also