How to Add a Web Font to Your Project
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Styling Applications/Add a webfont.xml

Learn how to include web fonts in your web and mobile applications using the @font-face CSS rule in Alpha Anywhere.

Deprecated and Obsolete Features introduced in Alpha Anywhere 4.4.4
/documentation/pages/Troubleshooting/Upgrading to Alpha Anywhere/Changes in Alpha Anywhere 4_4_4.xml
Several changes were made to the Request object in Alpha Anywhere 4.4.4, including the deprecation of multiple properties. Read this article to find out what change are needed in order to update your applications to Alpha Anywhere 4.4.4 or newer.
Replacing Response.Add_Header()
/documentation/pages/Troubleshooting/Upgrading to Alpha Anywhere/Changes in Alpha Five V11/Replacing Response.Add_Header.xml
This article applies to older applications being moved to Alpha Anywhere. This information does not apply to new applications built with Alpha Anywhere.
SQL::ResultSet ToString Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Namespace/SQL/ResultSet/ToString Method.xml
Copy the ResultSet to a string.
Git Integration
/documentation/pages/Guides/Workspaces/Git Integration.xml

Change any Project to a Git Repository with a click of a button.

DotNet Example: Send an email
/documentation/pages/Guides/Dotnet Integration/Examples/DotNet Example__COLON__ Send an email.xml
This example is an Xbasic script that sends an email using the .NET System::Net::Mail class. Copy this into a new Xbasic module or desktop script, fill in your parameters, and test it from your application.
DotNet Example: Speech Synthesis
/documentation/pages/Guides/Dotnet Integration/Examples/DotNet Example__COLON__ Speech Synthesis.xml
This sample demonstrates loading, registering and using a .NET class from a DLL in the standard location.
Preloaded .NET Classes
/documentation/pages/Guides/Dotnet Integration/Preloaded .NET Classes.xml
The following .NET assemblies are loaded automatically, and all exported types are registered under either the System or Microsoft namespace. Click on any of the links to see the Microsoft documentation for the namespace that corresponds most closely with each assembly. See the [full list of preloaded .NET Classes] for more detail, and use the listed class names as search terms for the documentation at *[extlink:]*.
SQL::RowFormattingOptions Object

Options for formatting string output from a result set.

Using Redis Increment
/documentation/pages/Guides/Services/Redis/Increment Example.xml
Redis can *[extlink:atomically@]* increment an existing Redis key value.