Preview Screen
An explanation of the form preview shown on the right side of the screen.
The right side of the app window displays a preview of the currently selected form type.
Form Tab
At the top of the preview is the Form Tab, showing the form Display Name as well as icon with the background color specified for the form type. This is similar to the tab that will be displayed when a form is being filled out in the Form Filler app, as well as the tab making up the row in the Form Filler for selecting a particular form instance in the list of forms, and is also displayed at the top of each instance of the form in the Management Console.
Form body
The rest of the Preview Screen shows the fields, headings, etc., defined for the form type. The names for fields, and the text of headings come from the commands that define the form type. The values displayed come either from the Preview Values defined for each field, or, if it's present, from the Preview Data property for the form type itself.
Clicking on most parts of the form preview will switch the left part of the app window to show the Commands List if it is not already being displayed, and will select a command line that corresponds to what you clicked on, showing the appropriate properties for that command. The selected part will be displayed in the Preview with a light gray background.
Alternatively, if you are viewing the Commands List on the list, when you select a command the corresponding part of the Preview will be scrolled into view and selected.
Preview Menu
There is a menu button in the bottom-right part of the Preview Screen. Clicking this button brings up a variety of menu choices.
The top row of the choices lets you specify which screen width class to use for the display. See the Form Layout section of this help for more information. (These sizes are actually a little narrower in the Designer than the actual sizes on a device running the Filler in order to leave more space on the rest of the screen for the lists and property screens.) It initially starts as Small.
The Auto, Preview, JSON, and Init, choices specify which values are used to fill the fields in the Preview Screen. The Preview choice shows the Preview Value property of fields. The JSON choice shows values specified using JSON data in the Preview Data property of the form type (on the Form Type Properties Screen). The Init choice uses data specified by the Initialization Commands property of the form type (also on the Form Type Properties Screen). The Auto choice will use the JSON data in the Preview Data property if present, otherwise it will display the Preview Value property of each of the fields.
The Run TPL checkbox specifies whether or not to execute TPL code in TPL Templates, such as in the Heading Template and in Heading and field Titles, and any other places where TPL expressions are used, such as IF commands, while displaying the Preview Screen. In some cases, TPL code may have been written that takes long to execute, requires execution on a mobile device, or has other issues, and needs to have execution suppressed (for example, until the code is corrected or made tolerant of running without the device-specific functions). This menu choice enables that functionality. When turned off, the value returned for TPL expressions will be "[TPL Code]".