BeforeSearchLoad Event
This event fires before the query to retrieve saved searches is executed. It allows you to set a filter value for either the 'userId' or 'securityGroup' fields to limit list of saved searches that are presented to the user.
The following variables are available to you in the event:
- Variable
- Description
- e.tmpl
The grid component definition
Your event can set these property values. These values will be added to the query to find the list of saved searches to show the user.
- Property
- Description
- e.userId
The id of the user used to filter the saved searches.
- e.securityGroups
The security groups used to filter the saved searches.
Setting State Variables
You can also set state variables in this event. The value of any state variables will be available in all subsequent ajax callbacks (in the e.__si2 object).
To set a state variable:
e._state.myvar1 = "value1" e._state.myvar2 = "value2"