OnGridInitialize Event


This event fires when the Grid is initialized. It also fires when the Grid is re-initialized after a session has expired. If you want to override a Grid property, use the OnGridExecute event.


This event fires when the Grid is initialized. It also fires when the Grid is re-initialized after a session has expired.

IMPORTANT: The onGridExecute event, which fires every time the Grid is executed fires BEFORE this event. If you want to override a Grid property, use the onGridExecute event.

The following variables are available to you in the event:


The grid component definition


Run-time calculations (allows you to pass data to other event handlers)


'Define a list for a drop-down box
e.rtc.list1 = comma_to_crlf("Red,Green,Blue")

Simulating Session Variables

To simulate session variables when running in Working Preview you can use this code:

if eval_valid("request.SERVER_PROTOCOL") then 
    if request.SERVER_PROTOCOL = "A5RES" then 
        'running in working preview
        session.var1 = "simulated value for var1"
    end if 
end if

Setting State Variables

You can also set state variables in this event. The value of any state variables will be available in all subsequent ajax callbacks (in the e.__si2 object).

To set a state variable:

e._state.myvar1 = "value1"
e._state.myvar2 = "value2"