BeforeSummarySectionRender Event
This event allows you to dynamically set the inline style property for summary values. For example, you can display a 'total' in red if it is above a certain value or in green if it is below a certain value.
This event fires if a Grid has summary fields. It is fired before the Summary Section row in rendered.
The following variables are available to you in the event:
- Variable
- Description
- e.tmpl
The grid component definition
- e.rtc
Used to store run time calculations that can be used by other server-side events. You can put any data in this variable that you want to pass to other events. e.g. e.rtc.mydata = 'value1'
- e.summaryValues
Summary values for the fields for which summary calculations were defined.
- e.summaryStyle
Inline style for each summary value, as defined in the Grid properties. The purpose of this event is to modify the inline style for any of the summary fields.
Example summary values in e (assuming you requested summary calculations for the QUANTITY field):
e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.Count e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.Min e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.Max e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.First e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.Last e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.Total e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.Average e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.Var e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.StdDev
Example summaryStyle values in e:
e.summaryStyle.QUANTITY.Count = "text-align:right;" e.summaryStyle.QUANTITY.Total = "text-align:right;"
This example code sets the in-line style for the 'Total' value for the 'Quantity' field:
if e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.Total < 10 then e.summaryStyle.QUANTITY.Total = a5_CSS_Combine(e.summaryStyle.QUANTITY.Total,"color: red;") else if e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.Total >= 10 .and. e.summaryValues.QUANTITY.Total < 20 then e.summaryStyle.QUANTITY.Total = a5_CSS_Combine(e.summaryStyle.QUANTITY.Total,"color: blue;") else e.summaryStyle.QUANTITY.Total = a5_CSS_Combine(e.summaryStyle.QUANTITY.Total,"color: green") end if
Setting State Variables
You can also set state variables in this event. The value of any state variables will be available in all subsequent ajax callbacks (in the e.__si2 object).
To set a state variable:
e._state.myvar1 = "value1" e._state.myvar2 = "value2"