A5.u.array.series.from Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Client_Api/A5/u_namespace/array_namespace/series_namespace/from Method.xml
The settings for the conversion.
Array and Object Functions
/documentation/pages/Ref/Client_Api/Core Libraries/Arrays and Objects/index.xml
Core functions for working with JavaScript arrays and objects.
Xbasic Help Pages
/documentation/pages/Index/Xbasic Help Pages.xml
[The Xbasic Programming Environment]
Object Data Types
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Data Types/index.xml
Arrays, blobs, and collections
json_flatten_default Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Document Types/JSON Functions/json_flatten_default Function.xml
Takes JSON with nested arrays and "flattens" the JSON so that there are no nested arrays.
Array Methods
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Data Types/Array/index.xml
Methods available for objects dimmed as arrays.
json_flatten_singlerow Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Document Types/JSON Functions/json_flatten_singlerow Function.xml
Takes a JSON string with nested arrays and flattens the JSON so that there are no nested arrays. Data from the nested arrays are represented represented in the parent data as a set of repeating fields.
a5_cp2_updatearrayalllibs Function
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/Data Type/Array Functions/a5_cp2_updatearrayalllibs Function.xml
Updates all Arrays in the CP for all dirty libraries.
A5.u.json Namespace
The namespace for utility methods for manipulation of objects or arrays before or after being converted to JSON.
A5.u.array.object Namespace
The namespace for utility methods for converting arrays to and from objects.