The UX Component can include integrated login/logout functionality. This means you don't have to use a separate Login Component, or (AppLauncher with login turned on) to authenticate users in your application.
- Name
- Description
- Additional features settings
Settings for configuring Password Reset and Account Creation in a Login UX.
- After login behavior
Specifies what happens after a user logs into an application with integrated login.
- Allow create account
Used by the Login UX. Enables or disables ability to create a new account in the component.
- Allow login with Google
Enables support for using Google authentication to log into an app using Integrated Login.
- Allow passsword reset
Used by the Login UX. Enables or disables ability to reset a password for an account.
- Callback functions that are always allowed
A comma-delimited list of callback functions defined in the UX Component that can be called without requiring the user to be logged in.
- Customize login failure messages
You can customize the various messages that the security framework displays when login errors occur.
- Google settings
Settings to configure Google Authentication to add "Login with Google" functionality to an application using Integrated Login.
- Has integrated login functionality
To turn on the integrated login feature, go to the Properties pane on the UX Builder and check the 'Has integrated login functionality' property.
- In-line style for login errors
In-line style for login error messages.
- Login duration (seconds)
The length of time, in seconds, after a user logs in before they are automatically logged out. Used with Persistent Login. Defaults to 60000.
- Login Panel
The Panel Card that contains the Login controls (User Id, Password, etc). Used with Persistent login.
- Logout does a full page reload
When the user logs out, do you want this UX component to reload? If you check this option, the component's layout is re-computed on the server (and controls on the UX for which membership in security groups are required are hidden).
- Password control
You must specify which controls on the UX component are used for entering the password. Your UX component will therefore need to have two controls (likely textbox controls) where the password is entered.
- Persistent login
If checked, enables Persistent login for the UX component.
- Placeholder for login errors
You must put a placeholder control on the UX (see [Placeholder] in the Other Controls section of the UX Builder toolbox) to indicate where login errors should be shown. Use this property to specify the name of the placeholder.
- Redirect page
The page to navigate to when the user logs in successfully.
- Target Panel
The Panel to navigate to when the user logs in successfully.
- Two factor login event
An Xbasic function to call prior to display the 2nd factor dialog in an application with two-factor authentication.
- User name control
You must specify which controls on the UX component are used for entering the username. Your UX component will therefore need to have two controls (likely textbox controls) where the username is entered.
To use the project, create a new, empty Web Project, then click the 'Open Project Folder in Windows Explorer' button and paste these files into the folder. The passwords for the sample accounts are:
- [email protected] - aalpha
- [email protected] - salpha
- [email protected] - malpha
Using a UX Component to Create a Login Component for a Mobile Application
A common requirement for any application, Mobile included, is to authenticate users before they can interact with the application. There are several ways in which authentication can be performed in Alpha Anywhere. These include using the standard Login component, or using the AppLauncher. In addition to the above two techniques, you can also build a UX component for performing the authentication.
The advantage of building the Login screens using a UX component is that you can make a much richer UI for the login and it can include standard mobile elements like Panel Headers, etc.
In this video we show how an authentication layer has been added to a mobile application.
- Watch Video - Part 1
- Watch Video - Part 2
- Watch Video - Part 3
- Watch Video - Part 4
- Watch Video - Part 5
Mobile Applications with Persistent Logins
A common pattern in mobile applications is to not require the user to login to the application after they have successfully logged in for the first time. The login should be persistent until is is explicitly revoked by the action of an Administrator, or until the end of the persistent login period is reached.
Unlike a traditional Web application built using the Alpha Security Framework, the user will not have to log in again once their session expires, or when they restart the application.
In this video we show how this pattern is achieved.
- Watch Video - Part 1
- Watch Video - Part 2
- Watch Video - Part 3
- Watch Video - Part 4
- Watch Video - Part 5
- Watch Video - Part 6
Using a UX Component as your Login Dialog
When you enable the Security Framework for your project you will need a login dialog where users will log into your application. A UX component can be used as the Login component and can be configured to allow password reset and new account creation.
In this video we show how to use a UX component as your Login dialog.
Reset Password
A common requirement in any Security Framework is the ability for the user to reset their password if they have forgotten it. The typical pattern for this is to send an email to the user. The email has a link that the user can click to bring up a dialog where they can change their password.
In this video we show how this is done.
Create new account
A common requirement in any Security Framework is the ability for a user to create a new account. In addition, if the Web Project has defined an Extended User-information table, then at the same time that the user creates their new account, they can choose to enable two-factor authentication.
In this video we show how the user can create a new account and capture additional details about the user to store with their account.
After Login Behavior
After the user has logged into your application using a UX component, configured as a Login dialog, the "after login behavior" can either redirect the user to another page in your application, or to another Panel in the UX component.
In this video we show how the "after login behavior" is configured.
Persistent Login
A common requirement when building an application with the Security Framework is to enable 'persistent login'. With 'persistent login' a user will not need to log into the app again after they have successfully logged in once.
In this video we show how 'persistent login' is enabled.
Password reset when userid is a value (not an email address)
The password reset feature can be used when the userid in the security framework is a value (rather than an email address).
This video shows how this is done and how the extended user-information table must be configured.
Using the password reset feature in a Cordova mobile application
The password reset feature can be used in Cordova applications running on mobile devices. The behavior of the component is slightly different than when running in a browser.
In this video, we show how password reset works in a Cordova application.
Login using Google
When you configure a UX component as a Login Component you can enable Login with Google to allow users to login using the Google credentials.
See Also