Other Properties
Other properties include:
- Name
- Description
- Active language
Specify the active language to use for translating strings tagged with <a5:r>...</a5:r> or <a5:t>...</a5:t> tags.
- Additional resource files
The additional resource files allows you to specify the names of any additional resource files. These are files in the Web Project folder that you want to ensure get published every time you publish the UX component.
- Assign Instance GUID
Assign a unique id (a GUID) to each unique instance of this component. For example, if you are running this component in multiple browsers, or on multiple devices, each instance will have its own ID. The instance ID is stored in LocalStorage. A one-time Ajax callback is made to the server to assign the instance ID.
- Date format
Specify the format that the user must use for entering date values. An optional time format can be specified. The time portion of the format string is separated from the date portion by '&&'.
- Date picker - 'Close' button text
Specify the text for the 'Close' button. You can tag the text with <a5:r>...</a5:r> or <a5:t></a5:t> for automatic langauge translation.
- Date picker - day names
Specify the names of the days of the week to be shown when the pop-up date picker is used.
- Date picker - first day of week
Specify the first day of the week. 1=Sunday, 2=Monday etc. IMPORTANT: Regardless of what value you set here, if you customize the day names, the list of day names always starts with the name for Sunday.
- Date picker - month names
Specify the month names to be shown when the pop-up date picker is used. Enter a comma separated list.
- Date picker - 'Today'
Specify the text for the 'Today' button. You can tag the text <a5:r></a5:r> or <a5:t></a5:t> for automatic language translation
- Field help window style
Specify the type of window in which Field Help is shown.
- Friendly dates customization
Customize the strings used to display 'friendly dates' (e.g. a friendly date might display 'today' by default, but you might want to customize this so that it displays in the user's language of choice).
- Has onTimer event
Specify if the UX has an onTimer event. The onTimer event will fire every x seconds. The Javascript to be executed when the onTimer event is defined in the Client-Side Events for the UX component.
- Head section tags
Specify any tags you want to appear in the HEAD section of the page that hosts the component.
- Help Table definition
Define the source for the Help text displayed in the dialog.
- Language definitions
Define strings for different languages
- Number format - decimal character
Specify the decimal character (specify the actual character or the special symbols, 'period' or 'comma') that will be used on the client side when entering numbers. You can set this dynamically by setting this session variable: _protected_clientSideDecimalCharacter
- Number format - thousands separator
Specify the thousands separator character (specify the actual character or the special symbols, 'period', 'comma', or 'space') that will be used on the client side when entering numbers. You can set this dynamically by setting this session variable: _protected_clientSideThousandsSeparatorCharacter.
- Published session variables
By default, client-side expressions cannot see session variables. However, you can specify that select session variables should be 'published' to the client so that they can be referenced in the client-side expressions used in calculated fields, show/hide expressions, enable expressions, dynamic images, and conditional style expressions.
- Remove un-consumed language tags
Should any language tags that were not replaced (because they were not defined in the Language Definition) be removed from any output sent to the browser?
- Security permissions denied action
Defines what should happen if an action is denied by security.
- Switch year
Leave blank to use the default value of 30. If the user types in a 2 digit year that is above the switch year, then the year is assumed to be in 1900.
- Text dictionary tags
Show and define the Text Dictionary tags (<a5:t>...</a5:t>) used in the component.
- Xbasic .aex files
Specify a comma delimited list of .aex files. These files contain compiled Xbasic functions that can be used in any of the server-side event handlers.