Running Two Server Instances on the Same Hostname Using Different Ports
/documentation/pages/Guides/Application Server/Running two server instances on the same hostname.xml
If you run two instances of the Alpha Anywhere Application Server on the same machine with the same hostname but different ports, you may encounter a problem of the sessions conflicting between the two instances. The way to fix this is to use different cookie names on the two instances.
Advanced Settings
/documentation/pages/Guides/Application Server/Server Settings/Advanced.xml
Advanced settings for configuring the Application Server.
Context.Session Object
Context.Session object properties and methods.
SendFile Method
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Objects/Server/Context/Response/SendFile Method.xml
Write the content of a file to output stream
Workspace Specifications
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/View/Workspace/Workspace Specifications.xml
Covers categories, tables/fields, indexes, layouts, saved settings, queries, and expressions that relate to a desktop application.
/documentation/pages/Ref/Api/Functions/System/HTTP Client Functions/HTTP_FETCH Function.xml
Sends an HTTP request to a server and retrieves the response
Alpha Five V11 Help Pages
/documentation/pages/Index/Alpha Five V11 Help Pages.xml
Improvements from Alpha Five V11.
Configuring the Alpha Anywhere Development Server
/documentation/pages/GettingStarted/GettingStartedTutorials/Basic Tutorials/DevelopmentServer/index.xml
A guide to configuring the Alpha Anywhere Development Server for testing your web and mobile applications.
Status Codes
/documentation/pages/Troubleshooting/Debugging/Status Codes.xml
3-digit status codes that indicate the type of response being sent by a server.
Creating a Login Page
/documentation/pages/Guides/Xbasic/Other Xbasic Topics/Creating a Login Page.xml
Code examples and a short guide on how to create a login page.