Extension::Curl Class
libCurl class - Curl from Xbasic environment.
- Name
- Description
- Examples
Examples of Curl Object usages
- CURL Xbasic Overview
CURL is a popular utility that can be used for many tasks, such as making REST API calls.
- Close Method
Close a curl object.
- DownloadMultiple Method
Download multiple files.
- Errno Method
Return curl error code.
- Error Method
Return curl error message.
- Escape Method
Escape a curl string.
- Exec Method
Execute curl.
- ExecBackground Method
Execute curl command in the background (spawns a worker thread) - useful for long operations done from the main thread.
- GetInfo Method
Gets information concerning the last transfer.
- Init Method
Initialize a new Curl session.
- Pause Method
Pause a curl connection.
- Request Method
Simple CURL request specified as JSON string or dot variable.
- RequestTemplate Method
Simple CURL request template, populated from optional named resource, variables and arguments, from request JSON or supplied properties.
- Reset Method
Re-initializes all curl options, restores to default value.
- SetOpt Method
Sets an option .
- SetOptMultiple Method
Sets an options from array or property tuples.
- SetTrace Method
Enable/disable trace for this curl operation.
- StrError Method
Returns the error message for a returned code.
- UnEscape Method
Returns decoded string.
- Version Method
Returns curl version.
See Also