Form Table of Contents
Navigating quickly through a long form.
The Form Table of Contents is a compact list of all parts of the form that is used for quick navigation. You access it with the Table of Contents menu choice in the Forms Detail Menu.
The list
The parts shown include all of the fields (with their values), descriptions, headers and sub-headers, and more, all together as one long, scrollable list. The start of pages are indicated, with the contents of pages included in the list indented. The list does not include "Next Page" action buttons.
Tapping on a row in the list will return to the details display, repositioned with the corresponding part on the screen.
To go back through the history of navigating to different parts of the form, use the History Back menu item on the Forms Details Menu.
The scroller
The whole right side of the Form Table of Contents is a "scroller" that may be dragged vertically to even more quickly navigate to a particular part of the form. As your finger moves and the blue box follows it, the row for one part at a time is displayed. When a desired location is shown, removing your finger from the screen will display that part of the form on the screen.
If you move your finger to the left as you drag the scroller, the scroller will switch to using a slower, more precise means of navigating through the list. You can move a row at a time by dragging up or down. Removing your finger will not end scrolling. Tapping on a displayed row will then return to the details display, showing the corresponding part of the screen.